What say you, do you have the Courage to Do What Needs to be Done?

Sep 10, 2008 12:02

I keep thinking.
I think I may have brought this up before...

The World is an Evil Place.
Criminals weave in and out of the law like my grandmother and her knitting.
And something NEEDS to be done about that.

What do you do?
Do you go on, letting evil run the world, knowing you cannot change it anyway?
Do you do what you can to change the world, to rid it of evil, even if it means becoming a sort of evil yourself?

Evil terrorizes this world like a Monster scares children.
Who better to fight such monsters than our own Bigger, Better, Monster?

I know what you think; "John, that's what we've got a justice system for, what we've got the Police for, what we've got the Government for."

But, the justice system is only supposedly blind; it's made up of people, people can be bought.
The Police is to RE-active, can't really be PRO-active, and, as such, don't do us much good either.
And, our final corner in this triangle of testicular atrophy is the Government.
Our government, as kick ass as it is, seems to be too full of bureaucrats for it's own good; too full of self-serving politicians and war-mongering megalomaniacs to do much at eliminating the real problems that plague this world: the Criminals that move throughout it, more times than not, with our own governments aide.

Now that we've identified the problem, what do we do?
3 options...

1 - Sit on our laurals and do exactly what we've been doing for as long as I can recall.
2 - Each Be the Best We Can be, and, if We All Do our best to be good People, the World Will Be a Better Place {SARCASM}
3 - We can fight Evil. Every one that is able can do whatever they are able to do to kick evil in the balls! By that, I do NOT mean take the responsibility off of yourself by calling the police, telling others and, in general, taddle-tailing.. I mean we actually fight evil. Kick it in the balls and beat the shit out of it !

I vote option 3 !

That's what people need to do.
Stop sitting on their butts.
Stop letting crap happen in the world that doesn't need to.
Start being the Good Samaritan.
Start being responsible for your fellow man and starring evil right in the face, saying; I am Not Afraid, and I am Not Going to Let You Get Away With This Any More !

That's what needs to be done.
So let's do it.

Hastily written.
Prolly should have thought it out a little more; but hey, that's what comments are for, and I stand by my thoughts.
Screw Evil.
Let's kick it's butt!

--JOHN out.
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