Review #3892: Doctor Who 7.6: “The Snowmen”

Jan 02, 2013 13:48

Contributor: Bronzethumb

Written by Steven Moffat
Directed by Saul Metzstein

Here to bridge the gap between the departure of the Ponds and whatever story arc Moffat has cooked up for the fiftieth anniversary is one of the more successful Christmas specials “Doctor Who” has ever produced. It helps that unlike last year, the writing and direction has a very clear objective, namely to introduce (or re-introduce, as the case may be) the new companion, and the emphasis on the Doctor and his array of new and old allies makes up for the episode’s minor faults.

After the departure of Amy and Rory, the Doctor has all but retired from a life of travelling and universe-saving, instead content to brood and sulk in Victorian London under the watchful eye of his concerned friends: the Silurian “Great Detective” Madame Vastra, her wife Jenny, and Nurse Strax. Even the threat of carnivorous snowmen, the mysterious Dr. Simeon and his master, the Great Intelligence, aren’t enough to snap the Doctor out of his apathy, but the plucky enthusiasm of serving wench/governess Clara just might.

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