another day, another list of books

Aug 30, 2006 19:00

University classes start in five days and im still not completely ready. I've got to find my classes and finish getting another new list of books that will surely set me back another $200.

Is it all to much to ask that after paying over 5 grand for only 5 courses, the books for said courses are free? Or maybe even included in the course fees? Maybe i'm to much of a forward thinker for the university to handle....

I've been looking for some super glue for 2 days now, i broke a brand new belt and i want to fix it, but regular glue wont hold it together.
Oh, heres something i havent shared much...
For those of you that dont know I completely cut myself off from my chest pain med's. IT sounds great because the medication had side effects, but the pain is back and it likes to strike in the evening and before i go to bed. Its not so relaxing. But it is stress induced, so hopefully it will fade when my stress level falls again...

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