read it, read it! take it, take it!!

Feb 08, 2006 15:53

My mother thinks I am: a slob, lazy, self-absorbed.
My father thinks I am: intelligent, mature, deep, "good," and an addict to the internet.
My brother thinks I am: he hates me, i believe. he hasn't conversed with me for more than a year.
My sister thinks I am: she likes to criticize and embarrass me in front of others. i swear, she's envied me since i was born. but sometimes she's friendly (hah, usually when she wants something).
My grandma thinks I am: Before I was born they were dead.
My grandpa thinks I am: I barely know my "grandfather." heh.
My boyfriend/girlfriend thinks I am: If I had one I'd tell you.
My best friend thinks I am: I don't really have a best friend, just a good, small batch of friends, and I'm content this way. I'll find out who my best friend is, and has been, deep into my future.
Your three best qualities?: generous, insightful, flamboyant
Three worst qualities?: irresponsible, fickle, cynical
Three things you are often complimented for?: wit, style, hair 
A compliment you got that made you blush?: this is the most outrageous "compliment" i've ever received (which i don't think is too flattering), that was said a few days ago... friend: "when i first saw you i thought you looked like a porno girl." me: "WTF?!" friend: "yeah, like... you have this look... you can give many impressions about you... i thought you were this porno machine!! LOL." me: "that's not nice!! *discontent facial expression* other friend: "it's true. you can give many impressions. to me, you looked like a whore! a very sexy one." me: *blushes, mental confusion<*
You get embarrassed when?: when asked questions about something i do not want to answer and then being pressured to say the answer!
Makes you happy?: surrounding myself with people that make me elated.And that's quite rare to find. Laughter makes me happy. the act of laughing, and hearing hearty laughter is priceless.
Upsets you?: (aggravates me?) desperately impatient people, overly ethnic people with uncultured ways and habits, discrimination, a gross display of vanity and conceit, guys that like a new girl almost everyday, the devil-may-care lifestyle i'm living, etc...

Yes or No
You keep a diary?: yes. one i write in very rarely.
You like to cook?: i don't cook.
You have a secret you have not shared with anyone?: nothing that would matter.
You fold your underwear?: you cant fold thongs and bras, lol.
You talk in your sleep?: i doubt that.
You bite you fingernails?: no, but i nibble on them when i'm nervous or something.
You believe in love: yes! there are three kinds: filos, eros, and agape. agape being the ultimate love, the epitome; of love.

Movie you rented?: "Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind"and "The Fight Club"
Movie you bought?: I don't remember.
Song you listened to?: "Fifteen Year Old Sneakers" by Baby Calendar
Song you've downloaded?: "Hurt" by Johnny Cash
CD you listened to?: Well, I'm currently listening to the album "Fifteen Year Old Sneakers" by Baby Calendar, if that even counts.
Person you've called?: my dad.
Person that's called you?: my mom.
TV show you've watched?: Date My Mom
Person(s) you were thinking of?: jessi, zanasco, manny
You wish you could live somewhere else?: yes, if i had someone to move with me to somewhere totally different, and the money, then most definitely.
You believe in online dating?: that's so stupid.
Others find you attractive?: yeah.
You want more piercings?: not really.
You want more tattoos?: maybe in the future.
You drink?: not really...
You do drugs?: never
You like cleaning?: i do, but i just like never do it, haha.
You like roller coasters?: very much so!
You write in cursive or print?: mostly print.
You carry a donor card?: no, i'd like to.

Have you...?
Ever cried over a boy/girl?: who hasn't??
Ever lied to someone?: "        "
Ever been in a fist fight?: close to that, lol. a long time ago.
Ever been arrested? close, last year, with some crazy peeps.

Shampoo do you use?: i use different kinds but my favorite ever is Biolage and Tresemmé.
Perfume do you use?: J'adore Dior and Bora Bora.
Shoes do you wear?: flip flops, sandals, and other open shoes; rarely sneakers.
Are you scared of?: not leading a successful life in the future.
Of times I have had my heart broken?: countless times.
Of hearts I have broken?: a few, but not many... not on purpose.
Of people I consider my enemies?: no one.
Of people from high school that I stayed in contact with? im still in high school.
Of CDs' that I own?: a couple.
Of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? zero.
Of things in my past that I regret?: theres no point in regret... "life is the art of drawing without an eraser."
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