
Mar 29, 2006 21:48

sadies was a ridiculously good time.
i had THE BEST DATE EVER [Avinash Verudaraj (sp?) Sharma]
and the bestttttttest group ever
dinner at rainforest cafe was definitely fun, even though i had the chills throughout it, which would later turn into a 2 day fever. haha
my date was very caring and made sure i was alright out on the dancefloor and even sat with me for like 23420348 hours when i was too weak to get low anymore. :-)
after sadies was way fun as well.
tina has one of the nicest houses i have ever seen, and the people that went back there were the best people ever.
i am LOVING everyone i've been surrounding myself with lately.
like seriously, why didn't i find these people before the END of senior year??
but linda and i talked about it and we realized everything happens for a reason, and maybe i would have taken for granted my friendships with everyone if i had known them at an earlier time.
but damn. i am having the BEST time of my life.
moving on...
spring break is coming up.
i am TOTALLLLY psyched about that.
paul, nicole and i are taking a road trip through a few different states, stopping at the most random of places.
it is going to be BOMB.
and i'm hoping to finally get a tan for the first time in like 2 years. haha
sadly, my mom is not allowing me to go on this trip, so i'm gonna have to act like i'm doing nothing during spring break, then sunday night i'm packing up my stuff and getting the hell outta here.
yeah, i know that this decision to completely disregard any authoritative role my mom is trying to play will promptly result in me getting a swift kick in the ass, and perhaps out of the house when i get back, but whatever.
it will definitely be worth it.
and besides, i'll be 18 the monday we get back from break, so she can kiss my hopefully super tanned ass. :-D
haha. wow. this is a rambling entry. i'm lovin' it though.
and i'm lovin' all YOU!!! <33333333333333333333
p.s. what is going on in that head of yours? sheeesh.
p.p.s. pictures next time for sure ♥
taylor tara rich-arbab.
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