How long before we have Laura Schlessinger-esque nudie pics show up of hot Veepstakes winner Sarah Palin?
Look, I realize that it's a sin for me, as a woman who supposedly has a brain, to characterize Sarah Palin as nothing more than a pretty face. But it is the same as with male candidates, for me; I want a candidate who inspires me, whose politics I remotely agree with, and who I feel will not embarrass our country. Governor Palin used the ultimate Bushism today; nookular. It's nuclear. Please get it right before you embarrass us in public. You are not allowed to help lead this country if you cannot pronounce the word. Sarah Palin is cute and charming and someone I would totally have coffee with. I like her. But I'm not voting for her or for McCain. Color me uninspired. At least if they win, we will have a VPILF. She puts Condi Rice to shame! Still...
I respect her corruption-busting, and I respect her for giving birth to a disabled child she could have aborted. I think being a hunter and fisherman is great if you like it. But I feel like Sarah Palin pisses on women's rights in a lot of ways. Her uber-faith scares me -- and this from a self-professed Christian. Abortion is wrong. For ME. And that's the end of my thoughts on the matter -- I don't think I or any politicians have a right to tell you that you must or must not have a child. Take the pill if want to. Hell, abort if you feel you need to. It's just NOT my business to make choices like that for YOU, nor is it my right to offer you anything but compassion for your choices in that arena. So while she's charming... she is a poor, poor stand-in for Hillary Clinton, if that was Big John McCain's goal.
Thoughts on Sarah Palin as the VP choice for the GOP? And as an afterthought, what did you make of Barack's speech last night? I'm reserving my opinion on that one and letting you guys chatter first. ;-)