My tweets

Feb 24, 2021 12:00

  • Tue, 12:17: RT @ schafersam: This is a lot more raw and vulnerable than a lot of my work. And decidedly less silly. But ever since the news broke I felt…
  • Tue, 13:07:
  • Tue, 17:35: RT @ ConcernedApe: I'm happy to announce today's launch of Stardew Valley: The Board Game. It's been in the works for over 2 years. Read mor…
  • Wed, 08:33: Just read an article about a domestic abuser/murderer that was an extended love letter because the person was also an athlete. Interesting perspective. We seldom look at how badly the murderer has been hurt, and why is that? Oh, because they’re a murderer. Right.


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