Well I finally got around to putting all the photos from the trip to Germany up on the web, In three groupings (which relate to the three stages of the travels)
Out West
MoselleA beautiful wine valley region. Lots of tourists in the peak season which had just finished before we got there, although the weather was still hot for the start of the travels.
TrierThe old Roman town
BernkastelA great old town on the Moselle.
CologneJust visiting on the way back from Amsterdam.
Out East
Altenburgmany side trips and lots of family stuff here.
DresdenVisiting H's cousin and sightseeing.
NurembergCatching a train to go visiting a friend.
SeiffenThe town of wooden Christmas decorations.
Saurian ParkA visit to a Dinosaur Park (near the border with Poland & the Czech Republic) for a certain 5 year old.
Up Near the Baltic
BerlinA side trip from staying up north, we old went round the old East Berlin as our hosts wern't familiar with/had never travelled around West Berlin.
HamburgOff to Hamburg for my birthday, and caught up with on old friend.
SchwerinLots of visits to various cities and towns on the Baltic including Rostock and Wismar.
GüstrowWe stayed in Güstrow with a side trips to Warnemünde and on
Molli to Heiligendamm, Kuehlungsborn, Bad Doberan and the Baltic.
Mecklenburg HousesA visit to a small village and also a museum where you can still see a connection to the old Norse Religion (Thor is lightning bolts, Odin is the Horse heads)