WHOO HOO...now u can kno more bout meh

Apr 24, 2004 11:15

[name] David Joshua
[d.o.b.] July 28th
[location] Planet bob
[religion] none
[occupation] i r a rock star...father..and soon to be husband to teddeh
[gender] *feels* i r a male
[hobbies] writing, reading, internet, photography, pottery, skatin
[friend(s)] cassie, jen, jenna, jordan, leashy, michelle, billy, holly, jake, jaccob, jason, mark, brian, kayla, ashley, nikki, dave, jamie, des, tara, ari, joy, tiff, crab, kellie, liz, jay, kat, brandon, adrian, rach, angie, vince, sarah, ali, kim, em, laura, matt, meg, gin, gins, isabel, tori, kim, becca, alexis, amy, mari, marie, ophelia..saddly..those r jus good friends..
[age] 17
[parents] meh mom
[relationship status] gettin married to andrea

[hair] black with hot pink
[eyes] baby blue
[height] 6'5
[weight] erm...165
[figure] who cares
[pant size] jeez...
[brand name] erm..walmart?
[wear make up] o yar...all teh time
[skin color] peach..*sigh**rolls eyes*

[clothing] ne thing black
[music] mostly rock n punk
[makeup] *sigh*
[body art] i r have 3 tatoos
[screen name] iluffandia

[food] hmm..subway
[drink] vanilla coke
[color] Blue
[album] o jeez...um..untouchables
[shoes] vans
[site] LJ, andinessperson.com
[dance] with teddeh
[song] zoe_jane, enter sandman
[vegetable] raw carrots
[fruit] strawberries
[What does your Live Journal name mean] it means your going to enter my world of unreality

[Brief Description Of Yourself] weird crazy..


1] 11 Bands/Artists:

billy idol



3 against 1


slip knot




rob zombie


2] 5 Movies:

pirates of the caribbean

blue streak

finding nemo

texas chainsaw massacure

final destination

3] 3 Books:

harry potter

child called it

lost boy

4] Color: blue

5] Quote:
"Courage is being afraid but going on anyway" - Dan Rather (more at The Quote Garden)
"Oh lord, if there is a lord, save my soul, if i have a soul"

[Views On…]

1] The Radio/ TV: eh

2] Abortion: not nessesary

3] Drugs and Alcohol: i despise drug use..

4] Religion: eh...

5] Gay/Lesbian Marriage: why is this even an issue? love between two mature consenting adults should be honored no matter who or what they are or love

6] America: we think we're all that and so big... psh whatever.. we're so immature and most of us don't care about our country until we get attacked or some minority wants to fight for their given right to live free in a free country

7] War: war is a necessary evil but not for stupid dragged out long reasons fueled by greed/money/pissing contesting shit!


If You Were Reincarnated, What Would You Want To Be? myself

Have You Ever Done Any Drugs? If So, What? yea

What Are 3 Of Your Biggest Pet Peeves?

ganster wannabes

people who change for others

[Likes and Dislikes]

What Are 3 Things You Like About Yourself?
im funny

i'm smart

i know what's important in life..

What Are 3 Things You Dislike About Yourself?
i'm overly critical and highly analytical of myself

i let people use me

i have a high IQ so why do I not act like i do????

What Are 3 Things You Like About People?




What Are 3 Things You Dislike About People?
guys usually let their dicks run their brains and girls take their shit cos the guy says those three little words

stuck up snobs

people who don't vote are 99.9% of the complainers about the free world... goddamn.. you don't like it, fucking vote and do something to change it!

What Are 3 Things You Like In General?


being meh
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