video games

Mar 16, 2007 18:38

had too much faith in humanity lately? don't worry, i can solve that.

Video Games
this is a song by a group of 11 (it's rediculous, it's not even funny...) year old kids.  seeing this honestly makes me want to go find these kids and just kick each and every one of them in the balls.  if you watch the music video, you might actually mistake the sound of people cheering for the sound of THE LANGUAGE OF MUSIC RIPPING ITSELF TO PIECES as it commits suicide.

the band is called Black Out, and they have a website.
right away, 4 things struck me as completely infuriating.  first of all, the website proudly proclaims
'The Official website for the song -  Video Games'
wait. what?!? they have ONE SONG? what the fuck?
secondly, they do the same goddamn thing that myspace has, which is MOTHERFUCKING EMBEDDED MEDIA! not that kind that politely asks 'would you like to listen to me?' but the kind that automaticly loads itself up when the page loads, and starts playing the band's warbling shit.
next, there is this:

ignoring the fact that itunes infuriates me, there is the fact that they now apparently host shit like this.

Finally, there is the little matter of the text near the bottom of the page:
Become a MEMBER of our FREE Fan Club

if you have to even THINK about charging for a membership, you can go jump in a fire.  the fact that an 11 year trio of dumbassi even considered that this was a possibility is infuriating to me.

this is all without the stuff i noticed immediately. other things include the entire lyric sheet to their... single.... and links to FrEe!11!!1 ringtones and cellphone wallpapers.

after all that, there is still the Press Release that they had done by professional press release company. wait... they have companies for those things?!  hmm, guess not. they seem to thrive off of using ad-insertion services to get anything done.  maybe this is just my adblock acting up, but it looked like they had a grand total of 0 takers for ads  also....  the bottom of the page has a not informing me:

'front Page and Pressroom Website Design by: Ben Giroux Design
Get Started at'

not only that, it appears that the entire service is run off of Blogger, or some other service.
wait, no. apparently it is hosted by Bravenet.
i looked through the 'testimonials' for anyone i had ever heard of, and, no, nothing.  the last one on their had a link to

which turned out to be a missing page on a bravenet server.  how unproffesional can you get?

going over to the 'examples' page on the site, there are a number of suggestions for writing your own press release.  so, they don't even do the writing for you ?! WHAT. THE. FUCK.

i feel like i could probably look around and rant for another half an hour at least, but i think i will leave it at that. 
my faith in humanity continues to decline.

edit- almost forgot to mention. thanks  (i think) to Joystiq for linking me to this in the first place...

music, rant

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