Jun 20, 2006 22:53
Hello all.
I am no artist, but I made a sketch out of pastel that was pretty good for once. It's funny because I have the whole set of pastels and easel and acrylics and brushes and the whole getup... but, frankly, darlings, I sucketh at drawing and painting-eth.
The sketch was a girl's profile. She has blue eyeshadow on... could it be me? No, much better looking and happier, I think.
I may upload it later on tonight if I have another case of insomnia like this morning:talking to poor Melanie until like two o'clock about a whole lot of nothing : )
The other sketch was of a person plucking their eyebrows. Why that image plucked into my head, I have no idea. It's not like mine are getting bushy or anything, heeheehee.
Have been calling around ALL day for job openings. I've called the library (library page, $6.75 an hour. That's minimum wage, right? Hey... for me, anything's better than NOTHING), the art museum (RUDE secretaries need to DIE), a newspaper (Black Voice News, and this one looks the most promising--!), posted ads on Monster and asked around on MySpace (I am not posting that kind of stuff on MySpace, not after what's been going on lately with certain family members of mine)...and I've applied for lots of internships... doig the same thing I've been doing since--- my god.
I started applying for stuff all the way back in the end of February.
With this noted, it's been especially frustrating. An example of my frustration: I was on Barbara Boxer's webpage and I realized that I totally missed the application to be an intern for the summer by like... three months. THREE MONTHS! I could've been working for a SENATOR right now if I hadn't been studying for freaking AP tests like a freaking crazy psycho escapee from the loony bin!
Yes. I'm ambitious. I admit it. I also admit that I may kill myself if I don't find anything to do this summer, besides summer homework/reading, boyscoping, and f-ing around with my friends. Although the latter two are certainly a lot of fun : )
P.S. If you haven't seen Casablanca, go see it...it's old and B&W, but it is such a beautiful movie. I dunno what it is, but it's a work of art. Yes.. I just saw the classic for the first time (part of it, anyway) today in my pajamas. Why did she have to leave him at the train station?!?!?! And what is up with that one song?!?!
And... why did she knock over the glass when they kissed? It wasn't THAT serious of a kiss... :-P
♥ ♥