Sep 13, 2005 19:41
hahahahaha i heart the human band (AKA Travis Hoover, older brother and hero) (da da. da da. da da. daaa da.<---trumpet jazzy part of C Jam Blues) haha and one time he had the hiccups while doing that.
my second valve was getting any work done(it kept getting stuck.) so i did what every good trumpet player does when the valve sticks, i oiled it. but yet, no cigar? so i had Stez (we call him that in the Trump. sec) fix it and hes a drum major and a cool senior too and sure enough a few tries and second valve your trouble days are over!(for now)
haha band. good times. band pictures tommorow at 6:50 am. not so good times. Jeremy raising his creepiness to the second power. not cool.