I want you all to know that voting depressed me. It wasn't until I got in that room, grabbed the ballot, took it to the booth, and read the names on there that I felt a total loss for our country.
John McCain
Barack Obama
Bob Barr
Write In: ___________
I voted for a third party percentage. The write in laws for Texas are terrible and so a vote for Ron Paul would literally be thrown away. I voted for the hope of a future choice, because there is no choice in this election. Who sees a fundamental difference in the two major candidates? One is young/black and the other is old/white.
Senior moment:
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Young moment:
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Answer these questions if you can:
Who wants to increase the size of the military and provide more training and equipment?
Who opposes the use of torture as an interrogation technique, and would like to close the Guantanamo Bay detention center?
Who wants more energy-efficiency programs and renewable energy?
Who opposes a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage, and would like to eliminate restrictions on federal funding for stem-cell studies?
Who supported the massive bailout of Wall Street?
Who voted for the 2nd Patriot Act?
Who is running on the platform of "change"?
Barohn McBama
How is taking about a trillion dollars from everyone and giving it to the top 1%, then raising taxes on people who make $250,000 or more a year (Oh, I'm sorry, I meant $200,000 a year. Oh, wait, I mean $150,000 a year. Gotta love that clearly defined plan) spreading the wealth around? Raise taxes on the biggest companies in our country and the lower 95% will see higher prices for their goods. The top 5% will not lose. In fact, they may have more to gain from this than not.
Pandering to huge oil companies and their lobbyists is super awesome too.
Fuck this election. There is no choice. Choose a young black man or an old white one. There is your real fundamental difference.
Or vote for change. Vote third party. Any third party. Vote for someone who isn't going to win. Vote to show that there are people out there who aren't happy with the crap they feed us on the news and the 1 coin 2 sides candidates we get to choose from.
Did you enjoy the debates? Imagine what it would have been like with a few third party candidates in there. People with real ideas for change in this country, not just trying to get through the election process without looking stupid. Imagine understanding what a candidate stands for instead of a slew of rehearsed crap designed to dodge answering important questions.
McCain won all of the debates. So did Obama. Depending on where you get your news.
To many of my Texan friends:
Enjoy voting Obama and watching McCain take this state.
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I will NOT give mandate to an evil. The lesser of two evils is still evil.
This is the last I'll speak of this election. You know my stand on the matter. Your views may differ, but the good news is that I still love you.
And who couldn't love me? amirite?
- Simon