Captain's Log, Stardate 2258.221

Aug 25, 2009 21:32

[Kirk is sitting in his chair on a mostly empty bridge as they circle the rocky planet, watching Bacchus II from afar. He presses a button on the arm of his chair and the ship's computer starts recording, Kirk sitting back as he tries to remember the information Starfleet had sent him.]

"Captain's log. Stardate, 2258.2221."

[Well, that's a good start, right?]

"As of now, we are in orbit -- circling Bacchus II. Starfleet has requested that our medical and scientific research teams study the annual mating cycles in connection with a plant whose pollen is responsible. The away team has left, and we are currently awaiting their return."

[He clicks off the recording device and sinks back into his chair, head down against the back]

"I always figured our first away mission would be way more exciting than this."

timeline: day 11, mission: bacchus ii, location: bridge, character: kirk

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