Bridge - Day 44 - private/unfinished

Jul 19, 2010 21:21

Despite the fact that the bridge of the Enterprise was really cool, often brimming with intelligent, brilliant people, and, quite likely, the best damn deck on the ship, a quiet shift there was the worst. At least other places, it was easier to slack off or find make-work projects. Or, better yet, just go bum around and see where help could be given. But on the bridge, that was a no-go.

Then again, after a few boring shifts, Robert had found that he could make sending interpersonal messages could look enough like Navigational work that he wasn't in trobule for it. A few boring shifts with the guy beside him lead to learning that bouncing stupid messages back and forth made a long shift a little bit shorter.

Shooting a glance at Adrian, Robert was completely unsurprised to find the backup pilot just as bored looking as his backup navigator felt. Discreetly, it was message time.

Hey, Phillips, no falling asleep on me.

!nonmission post, location: bridge, character: leslie, timeline: day 44, character: phillips

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