Commander Spock made his way to the transporter room to ready himself and the away team for their mission to the planet of Bacchus II. Starfleet had ordered the Enterprise down to this planet to study the annual mating cycles in connection with a plant whose pollen is believed to be responsible. The mission was one that Spock had been looking
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"Your mate." Phrixis said, reaching out and lifting a stray lock of hair away from her pale neck, "Doesn't appreciate you like a real male should." A big blunt finger poked into her neck, leaving a red mark, "If you were mine, I would mark you to warn males off my territory." A low chuckle, "Or does he like to share you around?"
/That/ provoked a reaction. Sky whipped around, hand snaking out so fast that her hand had cracked against the males face before she even knew what she was doing. A bright pink handprint flushed up against his skin and Phrixis snarled, hand snapping out to grip her tightly around her throat. Slowly he squeezed, bruising her windpipe as she smacked out against him, letting her go before she lost conciousness.
Woozy she slumped slightly, and his blade came back to her throat. "You will leave your mate won't you pet?" Phrixis murmured, "He is no true male."
That was when Leo returned to the room and Sky's blue eyes widened with relief. "This oaf seems to think..." the purple man shook her and she shut up mutinously, "How's Spock?"
Phrixis sneered at Leo and shoved Sky towards him, "Treat her," he said, "But we will be watching in case you trick us."
He got right to work then, tired of the badgering and testing and taunting and the fucking beatings. Careful and demonstrative with his actions, he pulled out the medical scanner and swept it over Sky. Frowned at the noise it made over her throat. Looked at it closer and saw bruises already starting to form. Why that motherfu... "What happened to your throat?" he asked with an edge to his voice sharper than a surgical laser.
"Besides...look at his face." she breathed softly in his ear, "I did that." and yes there was some pride in her voice.
And damn, these were special times.
Leonard's eyes fell on their main tormentor, though. Took in the pink tinting and he did nothing to hide the smirk of satisfaction. The purple fucker knew it too. Looked like he was turning a little pink all over. Leonard thought he could maybe live with this, for the time being. Grudgingly, he went back to healing.
"Since you asked so prettily," he grumbled as he bent to pick up a melanex hypo. Noticed a few flinches as he went about setting a dosage. That made him feel right better too. He chose her good arm to administer the drug, not wanting to hurt her neck any more. He then waved the scanner over her slashed arm and pondered a diagnosis. "Darlin', I'm gonna need to disinfect that arm," he warned as he pulled it out of the makeshift sling. It was a pain in the ass to unwrap all the bandages again, but he needed to get the sterilite and spray at it. It was the best bet for preserving the wound until he could get a dermal regenerator on her. Once finished with the arm, he repositioned the wrap so cleaner cloth could rest against it, and put it back in the sling. He then treated her head wound. He held off on the Masiform-D because, well, they didn't have any now. It was just as well she slept off the wooziness anyway.
"I'm done," McCoy announced as he made a grand show of putting the kit back together yet again, and then threw it at Prickus. Wasn't sorry at all when it hit him a little hard. Kept a tight arm around Sky and an eye out for trouble.
He nodded at a guard and the two were shoved back into their holding cell and the door slammed shut behind them. Sky sighed, slumping against Leo, letting all the tension and fear seep away for a long moment as she hid her face in his neck, before stiffening her spine once more and stepping away, "Sorry Leo."
Leonard growled, actually fucking growled, and got up in the man's face when he got in his. "Funny whatcha call barbarism." He almost said more, almost lunged at the innuendos, but felt Sky grabbing and pushing against him. Could tell the other man wanted a piece of him too, but something was holding him back. As they were corralled back inside, Leonard knew that this wouldn't be the last of it.
He was either gonna hand that bastard his ass, or get his own served.
In the thunderous silence that followed, he held onto Sky just as tightly. Tried to come down off his rage high, tried to instill some comfort in her, in himself. "Saw'rite, Sky. Long as ya safe." Well, no, it really wasn't. They'd become pawns in a political upheaval, and one of their captors was a demented fuck even by the alien's standards. It hadn't gone unnoticed how atypical the behemoth had acted towards a Lady, a member of a supposedly entitled gender. Leonard briefly wondered if Boudicca knew she had a wolf in her fold.
Didn't particularly care at the moment, really.
"I managed to stabilize Anderson," he said as he wandered over to inspect the man again. Not like there was much more to see, but McCoy needed the grounding. Needed to be able to think clearly around a rapidly tiring brain. "Dunno how long that'll last against whatever these morons have planned for us." Looking over to Spock, he asked, "How much time d'ya think has passed? Long 'nuff fer J-- the Captain to wonder?" There'd been plenty of sunshine when they'd been marched between buildings. A lot of daylight still to go. A chance to rest, converse energy, and heal before tomorrow. "How long are the days here?" he asked anyone.
The fact that he'd mentally encroached on his commanding officer's personal boundaries earlier had no part in that decision, nope.
Let Spock or Sky have the bed. Leonard had slept on worse. He lowered himself between the two beds. Attempted to get comfortable, but then remembered he was full of melanex. He could sleep on a herd of armadillos right now. The problem would be when it wore off. Well... whatever. Leonard tried leaning back against a support beam, not feeling comfortable with his back exposed. Feeling kind of exposed all over, actually. As tired as he knew his body was, his brain didn't like the situation.
"Don't suppose you have a plan yet, huh?" Because he wasn't quite ready to try sleeping, and Spock was one of them players of strategy games.
Moving over to the door she looked through the small window built into its frame, there were several guards around, all of whom looked alert and well armed and rather too much for her, or the others to handle right now. Once again tears threatened but she bit them down, pushing herself to walk over to a spare piece of wall between Leo and Spock and slide down the wall with an audible thump.
A small tear trailed down her cheek, but she brushed it away and closed her eyes, leaning her head back against the wall. "We need to get our communicators," she said dully, too tired to care how she sounded, "Need to contact Jim and stop him from blundering straight into whatever Boudicca and her thug have planned for them, and the Bacchun."
“Lieutenant I believe you should take the bed, it will help our cover and Doctor,” he said looking back at the other man. “You should sleep at the foot of the bed with the Lieutenant,” The Vulcan was not trying to get revenge for the touching incident honestly. This would be the most logical way to keep up the fake out. And on another hand Spock needed to have time to meditate, once he’d done that he would be able to think more clearly and plan an escape. None of them were in any shape to be trying to plan something.
Sky's voice, it sounded like a Spring rainstorm that wouldn't quite come.
Leonard nodded at Spock's words but opened his eyes to Sky. She was doing her best to not let on, but the fact that she wouldn't look at him said much. Well, he expected as much. She was proud as a hawk, and just as fierce as any bird of prey. You couldn't just grab straight for her without getting your fingers nipped. So he sighed -- groaned really -- as he got back up off the floor and dusted himself off. Offered his hand to help Sky up, then waited for her to situate herself on the cot. Sat down next to her and put an arm around her. "You just rest yerself," he muttered as he pulled her close. When she started to fuss, he added gently, "That's an order, lieutenant." He trusted her to know that he meant well, that he was there for her and didn't think lowly of her for being human, for needing comfort.
They all did, for whatever was ahead.
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