Gym -- Day 45 (midmorning) [open/unfinished]

Jul 12, 2010 20:54

Saval was not exactly a fixture in this area of the ship, despite his attempt to look as though he knew his way around the equipment. The last time he'd attempted anything more athletic than power-walking to catch a turbolift before it closed, he'd been 16 years old and he'd nearly gotten his neck broken by the burly captain of the Shi'Kahr Academy wrestling squad.

But there was no point in letting himself get completely out of shape, and the nice thing about being one of the few Vulcans in the vicinity was that he could at least be sure that his strength and coordination surpassed the human average. It was irrational to dwell on a childhood rivalry with Spock that had ended years ago, and Saval was aware of its irrelevance now. But it wasn't illogical to measure himself against the various standards Spock had set by virtue of being most prominent Vulcan crew member on the Enterprise, and to want to make sure he wasn't falling short, whether those standards were physical or intellectual.

He considered his options, weighing the physical benefits of each activity against the potential for embarrassing or injuring himself, and opted for basic weightlifting. It was difficult to go wrong with that. He took up position on a mat in an unoccupied corner of the gymnasium and methodically began to stretch.

character: creed, location: gym, character: saval, !nonmission post, timeline: day 45

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