The Mess Hall, Day 39 [Open/Unfinished]

Apr 07, 2010 20:35

Humans had bizarre food customs... and bizarre food. When she was at the academy, Gaila had normally cooked her own food, but it wasn't possible to cook every day on the Enterprise, so she was left eating what the replicator claimed were human foods. She hadn't even heard of half the menu choices. The plate before her contained something called "chicken pot pie." It looked slightly dangerous. Gaila examined it closely and poked it with her fork. Is this really edible?

She set the fork down for a moment and sighed, wishing for a moment that she had someone else to distract her while she tried to imbibe the strange substance, but for whatever reason the mess hall was nearly empty, even though it was only a little late for lunch, and everyone else there was engaged in conversation to such a degree that she didn't want to interrupt. Thus, she was left alone with the chicken pot pie. How can something called "pie" look so bizarre? It was a pity that normal human foods were nothing compared to human desserts. Maybe I should just get cake, she thought. Her body didn't metabolize food the same way as a human body, but cake was still of insufficient nutritional value. Chicken pot pie it is, then, she thought, bravely taking a bite.

location: mess hall, character: uhura, timeline: day 39, !nonmission post, character: corin, character: gaila

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