It was funny how she could tidy this drawer and that storage unit and that stack of PADDs every single day and every single day, she had to do it again. Well, maybe not funny. Odd or annoying or just the way a starship's medical bay is supposed to work, but not necessarily funny
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Looking at Christine Cassie couldn't help remember what had happened in her quarters that nice.
"God she looks so beautiful." she thought and then ended up blushing.
Trying to hide it, she slipped of her boots and lay back on the bed while still keeping a sly eye on Christine.
"Hello, you," she said affectionately, her step light as she approached Cassie's bedside. Squaring off her shoulders, she exaggerated her professionalism, knowing full well she didn't need to, least of all with this one. "What can I do for you today, Lieutenant-Commander MacArthur?"
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"Mmm, yes, some people are such sticklers when it comes to silly rules like that." She shifted her weight from one foot to the other and laughed a little to herself. What she really wanted to do was bury her head in the floor, like some demented space ostrich. "Anyone in particular you would like to request to perform your physical?"
Tucking her hair behind her ear - which was no doubt as furiously red as the rest of her felt - she continued, almost shyly, "So, how've you been?"
Cassie smiled at her and said, "I'm getting better. Still a bit sore now and then. But nothing I can't handle."
Then she added, "Thanks for everything that you did for me. I really appreciate it."
"Not a problem, Cassie, anyone would do the same, really…" So maybe not. But modesty had it's virtues. Heck, modesty was a virtue, wasn't it? "I don't know what Doctor McCoy is up to at the moment, but if you wanted to get your physical over with now, I'm sure we could arrange something for you."
"Okay," she said. "Just give me a moment and I'll go fetch him."
Christine was halfway to the CMO's office when she realized she'd forgotten to leave scrubs. She backtracked to the appropriate cupboard, tossed the shirt and pants to Cassie and, tugging the privacy curtain shut, instructed, "Change. I'll be right back."
Instead she thought, "This is just a physical nothing more. I'll be fine."
When she was done she folded her uniform and put it aside then lay down on the bed and waited.
"Don't you even think about talking to me about him," she said in a huff that hopefully Leonard could tell was not directed at him, but to the asshole he spoke of. "No, the current issue is Lieutenant-Commander MacArthur. She needs her physical performed and, since she was a victim of the spores, it'd be best if you did it."
"Cassie, you say? Alright, I'll get on it. I'm not making much of any progress right now anyway," Leonard sighed as he scrubbed a hand over his face. But before he went, he placed a large hand gently on her small shoulder. "Hey Christine? How are ya, really? You looked a little spooked back there."
Note to self: no more discussions of these sorts of feeling with the boss. She nodded the way, indicating the waiting patient. "Let's go? I need to fetch her file for you, anyway."
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