Gym - Day 22 - (Open / Unfinished)

Nov 13, 2009 12:32

It had been five days since the blow up in medical. So far nothing had been passed down that she was aware of, noone had even really talked to her about what had happened. In a way Tonia was happy about it. The Yeoman could count on one hand the number of times she had ever lost her temper and each time being something she never liked to remember or speak about. Of course the Captain or someone would probably question her as to why, but for now, she was content staying as quiet about it. Everything about the situation was frustrating to her. Perhaps it was why she found herself down in the gym with her hands wrapped up delivering one sharp upper cut to one of the punching bags hanging from the ceiling.

After years of being tucked away in her belongings, she had dug her knee brace out. The stupid thing was still giving her problems else she would have been poking around for a game of soccer which was the best way to wear herself out. For her it was a way to vent- without it, well, it just seemed to make things worse. With her earphones in and music turned out the spitfire of a woman punched at the bag again until her arms felt like they were on fire. Everyone would be doing better once the Academics were gone. If they weren't all packed on the same transport back to Earth, jobless, and hopefully not under arrest.

Resting her head against the bag Tonia took a deep breath before forcing herself on. If she couldn't play soccer than this was going to have to do. Not that she was expecting anyone else to come in to the gym or anything. But, well, anything was possible. Distractions were good and much appreciated.

location: gym, timeline: day 22, !nonmission post, character: barrows

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