Various - Day 16 - Afternoon - private/unfinished

Oct 17, 2009 01:49

Walking along the hallway to her quarters, Christine rubbed one hand across the back of her neck. She was achy and tense and exhausted. The aftermath of the Enterprise's first mission had consumed her every waking minute, it seemed, in addition to turning minutes that were supposed to be sleeping minutes into waking ones. For two nights in a row ( Read more... )

location: personal quarters, !nonmission post, location: biolabs, character: chapel, timeline: day 16, character: macarthur, character: mccoy

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Comments 51

engine_girl October 17 2009, 18:23:57 UTC
Cassie heard the chime at her door. Cassie wondered who it could be and then remembered that Christine was due to come in at some point.

Putting down the picture she was working on, Cassie got up and got herself a coffee from the replicator and called, "Come on in."


nurse_cchapel October 18 2009, 01:32:04 UTC
Stepping through the automatic door, Christine gave her patient a smile. "Is this a bad time? I know I told you to be resting, but it wouldn't surprise me one bit to find you disregarding my prescription. You are an engineer, after all," she said, teasingly.

She set the pilfered stimulator and her medical kit down on MacArthur's bed, but moved herself to stand rigid in the centre of the small room. "How are you feeling?" she asked.


engine_girl October 18 2009, 08:08:52 UTC
Cassie looked at Christine as she stood in the center of the room. "Hey you can find a seat you know."

"Then she said, "Oh no. The most energetic thing that I have done is a bit of artwork and getting up to get food from the replicator"

Cassie then considered her question, "It's still sore but I promise that it hasn't got any worse."


nurse_cchapel October 18 2009, 19:35:24 UTC
Christine nodded and listened as she perched herself on the edge of the bed, next to her instruments. "What sort of art?" she asked, interested. Of all the phenomenal people she'd met in Starfleet, very few of them had had any sort of real appreciation for the arts. Having grown up submersed in that sort of thing, Christine missed being able to talk about it.

"And if it hasn't gotten worse," Christine started, giving her patient a level look, "does that mean it's gotten better?"


nurse_cchapel October 25 2009, 06:31:13 UTC
Sickbay, thankfully, was more or less empty when Christine went inside, leaving MacArthur in the corridor. Two of the Academic-types from Pike were on the other side of the room from where she was headed. They looked deep in conversation - likely about the disgrace brought on by the Enterprise's medical staff, but that was a bone to pick another day - and she liked it that way. A closed CMO's office door suggested a fuming Southerner on the other side. Well, as long as he stayed there, she wouldn't have to explain herself to him, either ( ... )


engine_girl October 25 2009, 07:29:59 UTC
Cassie nodded and prepared to follow her and said, "Ok, I'm with you."

She wondered what was going on in sickbay at the moment. And what was going on in Christine's mind. Cassie knew that what she has asked her to do had broke more than a few rules but she would be the one to face the music for that with a certain CMO. She wasn't going to let her face that one alone.


nurse_cchapel October 25 2009, 22:17:39 UTC
The lab Christine was thinking of was one that had been used not even once since their mission officially started, though she'd overseen it as a triage station during the Battle of Vulcan. It was more a place for standard science than medicine, but it did have a chair that could be adjusted to a bed-like surface.

Leading the way but noting where her companion was behind her and adjusting her pace accordingly, Christine was thankful for the lack of personnel in the area. An ensign, she could dismiss with a cool glance, but a lieutenant? Not so much. And she dreaded to think of what would happen if someone like Commander Spock caught her sneaking around like this. Hell, the way Leonard tells it, Kirk was kicked off the ship for less.

At the lab, she gave her clearance code to enter and found it, just as she'd suspected, empty. Setting her things down on a workspace, Christine nodded at the chair. "Take a seat," she told MacArthur. "And promise to forget that we're using this room for something other than research and testing."


flubber2kool October 25 2009, 22:32:45 UTC
"Well you could always say that you were researching the use of this technique and that I was a willing test subject." She winked at Christine as she sat down.


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