When Leonard first woke up some -- damn, two? -- days ago, to go on this mission to Bacchus II, he expected some boring mission scanning plants. He certainly wouldn't have predicted this.
Being chased out of Sickbay by a flock of crazy, horny people. Slowly becoming one of those crazy, horny people. Leonard paused momentarily out in the
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Goddamn, he'd forgotten what an amazing feeling it was, being possessed like this.
At just the right moment, like he was born knowing how to do this to Leonard, Spock began moving. Slow, cautious, focused thrusts. Holy mother of god, he took back everything he'd ever said about touch telepaths. The heat of his lover was helping to loosen him further, dull the ache. ( ... )
“I…d-do not…do not wish…you…to sustain….ahh…an….injury….” Spock wrapped his arm around McCoy’s middle to keep him upright and on his feet as his body reacted to the stimuli. His breathing sped up quicker again, his heart rate shooting up as well. The command issued by the doctor to hit the same spot as before was fallowed in spades, every slow thrust was aimed perfectly to hit ‘right there.’
... wanted to go ahead and do that dying he kept mentioning.
"Christalmightyan'allthesaints!" When Spock took a hint... hot damn. The Vulcan had finally done. Found his prostate again and hell if he wasn't working it thoroughly. It was like Leonard's own Idiot Button. He was babbling away again, absolutely unable to control his mouth. His brain was too damn taxed dealing with the intensity of feeling. Now he no longer cared if he expired slowly. But he was sure enthusiastic about getting here. Tried to reposition his arms, get some purchase with his feet. Had just enough concentration ( ... )
A tremor shot through him, completely stealing his breath. Words were gone and for a moment Leonard thought everything else was too. No, it wasn't that white heat engulfing his mind. But he was close, so close. Only guttural sounds were coming now. His balls were pulling up tight, his toes were gripping the floor tight, his body was tightening around that hard, heated presence within him. Everything was just... tight.
I... I'm, it's, yours, there... it's... takeit...
mine...yes Leonard...mine...its mine..
He's on the edge, only holding on so that he can make sure that Leonard comes to. His hand works faster and harder and so do his thrust and mouth. His breathing is short again, his body aches with the need for Leonard. All his mind keeps flashing at him is that need. His need. He moans and jerks. "Leonard please..." he begs back. Strange that both are begging but neither notice.
"Y-YEESssss!" he unknowingly answered Spock's plea, his demand. Arched back as far into the man as he could. Seeking his warmth and strength as his whole world went up in white flames. The only beacons his senseless mind could grasp onto being the heat of that cock and that mouth. Otherwise he would surely float away, leave his body entirely. As it slumped in total surrender and exhaustion.
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