When Leonard first woke up some -- damn, two? -- days ago, to go on this mission to Bacchus II, he expected some boring mission scanning plants. He certainly wouldn't have predicted this.
Being chased out of Sickbay by a flock of crazy, horny people. Slowly becoming one of those crazy, horny people. Leonard paused momentarily out in the
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ON, damnit! On. His. Ass ( ... )
Damnit, focus, McCoy!
At the last minute, Leonard finally remembered the table behind him. He jumped up and slid across it on a hip. Landed on the other side and promptly darted in the direction opposite Spock when adjusted course. This, of course, sent the Vulcan over to the other side. Which sent Leonard in the opposite direction again. Great, talk about getting chased around the desk by your boss.
"But that's just it!" Leonard exclaimed once they'd settled into a nice, futile pattern. "You may think it's real fer you. But how d'ya know it ain't just spores f'me?!" As soon as he said it, he felt a foreboding tremble. "No! Dun answer! Dun wanna hear it!" Didn't wanna know. Didn't wanna find out ( ... )
And god, was he ever praying.
"Please... don't." He knew what Spock was doing. Fought against it as hard as he couldn't. Didn't know how to fend off a telepath. Didn't even know how to fight the damn spores anymore. Spock was a hot, welcomed weight against him now. Scent so very close, hands and thighs firm on him. Those eyes... goddamn, how those eyes always affected him. Penetrated him, laid him bare before the Vulcan to take what he liked and leave the rest. And wasn't that just it right there? The taking, the making him want it when he was just fine where he'd been. Not wanting anything. Just getting on by. No wants, no expectations. And no disappointments. No leaving after they had their fun, leaving you wanting more. Leaving you hurting, and lonely, and ( ... )
"I can think of better things t'do with that mouth," Leonard murmured low and close to that narrow throat. Traced the sternocleidomastoid from clavicle to just beneath the pointed ear with the tip of his nose. Christ, he swore he could feel every little Vulcan pheromone invade his lungs and run straight down into his crotch. He nipped on the skin as his fingers rhythmically began sliding between Spock's. In and out. Damp and hot. Eliciting pleasurable sensation for Leonard as well as Spock. ( ... )
As if a deal had been sealed, terms negotiated, they were suddenly at each other. Spock's hand -- oh god, the man wasn't even touching him yet, but the warmth and the firmness felt so good -- was working on his pants. And Leonard began working on that ear again, nipping and sucking now instead of licking. Back down to that graceful neck, where the nipping and sucking gradually became harder. Eventually even that pretense was lost. He bit down on the corner of Spock's jaw. Not hard enough to draw blood. Hard enough to claim ( ... )
It'd been his intention to remove Spock's shirt. He could work with this, though. The contrast of cool lab air, his own body feverish with desire, and scorching Vulcan hands was more stimulating than he could imagine. Goosebumps crawled across his skin, then damn near ran when followed by that tongue. That tongue. Sweet Jesus, it was something else. Far hotter, more textured, and... longer? Not that Leonard had even a quarter of a mind to ponder that, but speculation was cut short by that bite. He yelped, then moaned. Ground his now-aching cock against the pooling heat in Spock's lap. Slid his hands up into that thick, black, perfect hair and made it imperfect. The effect made Spock look ( ... )
The cold decking of the science lab startled him some out of the haze. But again there was that contrasting sensation of the hottest hand to ever be laid upon him. So firm, just the right amount of roughness, perfect angle. Spock knew what he was doing. Had handled a cock or two in his time, even if just his own. And damn, if the idea of the Vulcan manhandling himself didn't just turn things up a desperate notch. Leonard pulled his legs free, stretched them out long and apart, on either side of Spock. Felt bare and exposed in a way his spored brain wouldn't let him dwell upon. He was ( ... )
The Vulcan could almost swear his heart stopped for a second as he was dragged into the next kiss. Heated, wet and so personal. It had never been this way with Uhura and for that he was thankful. Spock let his hands drop from Leonard’s member and then grabbed at his wrist, braking the kiss just slightly so that he could speak against Leonard’s mouth.
“Doctor we will not be able to complete our sexual encounter if we do not proceed.” Even as the words left his mouth Spock was moaning. He wanted Leonard right now, not later now. “Please,” he closed his eyes and thrust against the other man. “I do not wish it to end like this,” he waved his free hand about them to prove his point.
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