Apr 18, 2005 15:23
so i haven't updated since i started this thing. my bad, i just get soo stinkin busy sometimes. i really am trying to be cool. mainly for my wife though b/c she is the ONLY hot babe in my life :)...And besides whit & levi think i am the coolest guy in the world, ninja turtles are a close second. so this weekend i went to a jewish wedding. have to say it was pretty cool, although the absence of the presence of christ was disappointing. and when the rabbi mentioned waiting for the coming messiah i had to think, nope you missed that one. but is it really their fault 2000 years later that their rabbi's and pharasee's taught them some false truth that Jesus wasn't the messiah. i dunno, glad i am not God and don't have to figure it all out. but the tradition's and symbolism were pretty cool, and they know how to party. amy and i were out almost till 12AM which is like way past our bed time. we stayed in a dumpy motel (which most these days are) except the Westin where you can get heavenly beds and ohh my they are awesome. so it's monday and i got tons to do this week and meetings every night but that is ok. but i want to leave you with a random thought....
Hiding in the light: sometimes the greatest among us live in the dark. we hide in the light of our pseudo-christianity. our chains of bondage remain hidden in what we do, in our job, our in our church activities. so it begs the question - who are you hiding from??