Jun 03, 2007 16:24
some people are so fucked it makes me sick. some bitch said a lot of dumb, ignorant shit to sondrea at work today and usually she can take that shit, usually she can stand it and give it straight back to them but today she couldn't and i am soo annoyed that i was not there at that moment because bitch would have been sorry. last night we had a few psychos too. saturday night is good for those because people get drunk. mostly old men. kellie ended up calling some man a disgusting pig. that was pretty funny for me.
my job definitely makes me laugh sometimes but i need some fuckin' space.
also, people are lamely unreliable. how can you go every day of your life being such a fucking flake? grow up alreadyy. come onn. you're so flakeyy. laame.