Well, technically, I guess it's a quiz, but who cares. Stolen from
alien_shex .
Ten things you wish you could say to ten different people right now:
10. You annoy me. I like you, but your unfathomable ways and doings confuse me. And it is annoying.
9. I miss you a lot. I miss you making me smile and laugh like no one else could, and I miss our late night talks. I love you and you're my friend. You're one of the best things that ever happened to me, and you taught me a lot. I won't forget you. I hope you're OK. Be safe.
8. Dude. I know I'm pale. You're my best friend, but if you don't shut up, I'm going to ship you to Antartica and strand you there for the rest of your life, Florida boy. XD
7. What did I do?
6. I'd be dead without you, and you don't even know it. Thank you.
5. I'm not ashamed of my scars anymore. Shut the fuck up and leave me alone. They're a part of me and a part of my past, they made me who I am, and I refuse to be ashamed of that. I'm not psychotic, and I'm not a weak person. If you can't accept the parts of me that you don't like, then you can't accept me at all.
4. You're one of my best friends, even though we have our problems and fights. I love you.
3. If you ever hurt him again, I will hunt you down and bury you. You don't have any idea what you did to that boy, but I'm not going to let it happen again.
2. I will never be you. Get used to it.
1. I'm so happy for you. Enjoy your life. You deserve it.
Nine things about yourself:
9. I'm a crazy, moody musician.
8. I am a performer. I love acting and playing music in front of people, I love playing to a crowd.
7. I am currently almost broke. Joy!
6. My computer is nuts, and my internet connection is sucky.
5. I have a kitty named Lin Lin. She hunts mice, rodents, birds, and poor little bunny rabbits. Ferociously.
4. I am single and quite happy about it at the moment.
3. I have a couple moles on my arms that I really don't like, and I've actually thought about getting them removed.
2. Writing and music are what occupies most of my time, but I'm also an artist.
1. Apparently I have an IQ of 136.
Eight ways to win your heart:
8. Be honest and upfront with me about how you feel about me. Trust me, I can handle whatever you throw at me.
7. I admit that I have a type: Musicians are hot. Artists are hot. Writers are hot. Photographers are hot. Be that and you're in. XD
6. Actually, you don't even have to be that - be expressive, creative, and intense.
5. Be different. I hate cookie-cutter people.
4. Don't treat me like a fling. Treat me like you care about me.
3. Be a music junkie.
2. I'm a hopeless romantic. Play into that and I'm yours.
1. Just be there for me. Be a friend.
Seven things that cross your mind a lot:
7. People that I love.
6. Writing ideas and plots.
5. Fanfiction ideas.
4. Music.
3. How messy my room is.
2. What would or could have happened.
1. Memories. Too many memories.
Five turn-offs:
5. People who are airheads, liars, dumb, overly cocky, posers, or full of themselves.
4. Guys that are too muscular. Lean muscles and definition are fine. Looking like lifting weights is your only hobby is not.
3. People who discriminate against others.
2. Unnatural tans. Spray-on tans. Tanning bed tans.
1. People who smack on their gum. It drives me INSANE.
Four turn-ons:
4. A genuine smile.
3. Tattoos, beautiful eyes, and piercings.
2. Mysterious or dark people.
1. The ability to be real and make me laugh.
Three smileys that describe your life:
3. :'(
2. XD
1. =/
Two things you wish you never did:
2. I can't share one of them, it's too personal.
1. Let go of you.
One confession:
1. I hate being close to people because I am terrified of getting too close to and/or losing them, and I'm scared that it is going to ruin my life.
And now, having told you all of that, I think I'm just going to crawl under a rock and never come out again...