"Every Photograph Steals A Piece Of Someone's Soul"

Jan 08, 2009 22:10

I am so insomniac right now that I haven't gotten any sleep in the last week. I'm running on fumes here! So, I might as well make some use of the night...

I have the above quote (title) written on my bedroom wall, and it's been there for a couple years now. It relates to photography, obviously, but I think it relates to all the fine arts, including literary, music, and art such as painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.

Quick explanation of the original meaning of the quote: When cameras were first invented and made available to the general public, some people were very superstitious of them and the lifelike pictures they created. They believed that the soul was built in "layers," sort of like an onion, and that every photo that was made of a person stripped off a layer of their soul. Thus the soul "lived" in the photograph forevermore, never to be taken back. In a nutshell, people thought that if they lost too many layers of their soul, they would become an empty shell of a human being...or go to hell or something, I suppose.

Thankfully, I am not afraid of my soul being kidnapped by a camera. But I've always liked the quote, though for much different reasons than the above.

Not-so-quick explanation of MY interpretation of the quote: If you've read my bio, you've probably figured out that I am a very expressive person. Art, music, writing, acting, photography, bring it on - anything goes for me. That's just how I work. And, as a general rule, expressive people put their heart and soul into whatever they're expressing. That's where my interpretation comes in: If you really do put your everything into what you love, into your passion, aren't you creating a picture of your soul? Your thoughts, mind, emotions, message, whatever is out there, not in your head anymore. And then that picture goes away, out into the world (sometimes), and anyone who sees it (or hears it or thinks about it) can see, in an odd way, a piece of your soul.

And, on a lesser side of this that I don't think about as much, when you draw/sculpt/photograph/paint/act as/write about/whatever another person, you do kind of capture their soul. You can look at/listen to/read/whatever you've created and sort of see another picture of someone else's soul. The way some stuff does it is amazing - it goes right through you.

Yeah. So I'm thinking that I need a really, really long nap...

art, insomnia, random, quotes, thinking, writing, ramble, photography

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