Heroes review

Sep 24, 2008 16:51

Babbling points on 3x01 and 3x02. Please do not expect coherency or chronological order here-in.

-Wait, Future!Peter is the shooter? Seriously? Powers That Be, how closely have you been listening to the fandom during the season break? (For the record, I was convinced it was Bennet. Apparently not!)

-I have to take a moment to applaud the acting here. The way that Future!Peter and Present!Peter are two clearly different people. Complete shift in the way the body moves, holds itself, mannerisms.... Yes. Well done.

-So, if God healed Nathan, but Linderman really healed Nathan, does that make Linderman God? Is Nathan Linderman's prophet? Or, since Linderman is Adam's disciple... Adam's prophet?

-Speaking of whom, I've figured out why they REALLY have to bring back Adam, now. Because obviously they're not going to cut into Claire's brain, but Adam's evil! They can cut him up and figure out what's going on with the two of them and their 'special among specials'-ness! See! It works! ...Or maybe I just really, really want Adam back.

-Mohinder is an idiot. He is also now apparently Spiderman. Which is what I screamed at my screen when he flipped to his feet. Actually, I think I yelled 'Holy hell, Spider-Suresh!'.

-Okay, show of hands, here -- Papa Nakamura wanted the safe open, right? Come on. Never tell someone NOT to open things. Especially when that someone is Hiro. It's like telling Peter to watch someone die and not emo over it.

-I would flail over evil-Ando, but come on. Again. Clearly something's going to happen and it's not going to be what we think it is. ...Or I'm just in denial.

-Matt! Not!Niki! I have no comments on either of you, but I love you both, so I had to say something.

-Why does Mohinder feel the need to tell us a bedtime story? I have absolutely no idea what he said and when I went back and watched it again the next day, actually fell asleep to his speech. Oops?

On to episode two...

-Still not sure if I like Daphne. Still love Ando. All is well.

-ZOMGMAMAPETRELLI. I love her more with every scene, I really do. And Adam in the dream. Yay, Adam! I want Adam back, dammit.

-Every time Sylar starts to get scary, they do something like... give him his own mini-music-video. Guys. Stop that or I'll never take him seriously.

-My little brother called Mohinder walking up walls. He actually said the words "He's going to start climbing walls now!" at the end of episode one.

-Why is Bennet on Level 5? Seriously, are they that scared of his Sheer Awesomeness?

-I want Claude back, by the way. Hey, maybe THAT'S why Bennet's on Level 5! Because he creeped everyone out by knowing things he shouldn't, because Claude is wandering around and spying invisibly for him! That's why he's always playing handball. So they can banter without anyone overhearing them.

-More not!Niki/Tracey/whoever and Nathan, please. Ever since their thing in season one, I would be happy to watch the Nathan and Niki show, so long as the Petrellis show up occasionally for dysfuctional family time. Of course, I'd be happy to watch the Nathan and a Brick Wall show, because Nathan is awesome. Still. Hopefully this means we get more of the two of them, yes?

-So, my father walked in a half-hour to the end of this episode, just in time for Linderman and Nathan playing chess. Proceeds to exclaim they're both dead, turns to me, and asks 'Are they playing chess in hell?'
...There's a fic in there somewhere, I swear there is.

-Also, Linderman and Nathan playing chess. Just. Makes. Me. Happy. I don't even know why, except for all the metaphors you can find in there if you're looking.

-Future!Peter, if no one is supposed to know you're there, why do you keep telling people? And, hey, why did Matt have to go to Africa for knowing and Nathan doesn't? Favoritism?

In short, I loved the beginning and hopefully they'll keep being awesome, and make the slightly-less-awesome things awesome again.


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