(no subject)

Feb 09, 2009 23:09

- My exams are finally over, I should be relieved now and I am but I'm still feeling kinda anxious I think I'm still feeling the stress even if it's over now, which is annoying but well.. Anyway, plus I'm already back to university, they just don't give us a break and that sucks!

- This is gonna be pretty random but the other day I was thinking about what TV show moments made me cry, I mean really cry (the first time watching them), cause I don't think I easily cry while watching a show (or movie) I probably do often get teary though, but I was just thinking of those time when a show really made me cry and so now I'm posting a list those scenes here (told you it was random! lol).

So here you go, moments that made me cry on tv show:
. Billy's death on the Ally McBeal show
. Chris' death on Silk Stalkings
. Ross and Rachel break-up
. The last episode of Ally McBeal
. The last episode of Dawson's creek
. The last episode of Beverly Hills 90210 (the last 2 minutes)
. And of course the last episode of Friends

Yeah, I tend to get emotional when one of my fave show end (even when there's nothing sad in it)

I wrote more about the reasons those scenes made me cry but didn't want to annoy everyone with it, so if you want to know more click on the cut link ;)

(I wanted to put some pics from each scenes I mentioned but didn't have pics for all of them so I still just put some for only few of those scenes.)

- Billy's death on Ally McBeal : Oh, I cried so much when I first saw this scene. The weird thing was that I didn’t excepted it at all, I mean to cry, because I knew it was going to happen and even though I loved A/B I never really shipped them, as I wasn’t really bother that they weren’t together and even if I would have liked Billy to stay on the show, I was dealing with it fine. But then when I actually saw the scene of him collapsing I just broke down in tears, completly, I think the fact that I didn’t excepted to react that way made it even worst. What got me was that speech he did before he collapsed, all those things he said to/about Ally and them and then what really made me cry was Calista acting, seriously the way she went to him, crying and everything I just lost it. I always thought she played emotional scene well. And I lost it too with the scene at his funeral when Ally made her speech and say the same thing Billy told her before he died, "All of my heart. Forever." OMG *cries some more.*

- Chris' death on Silk Stalkings : Okay, I’m not gonna explain much here cause probably no one knows or remembers this show lol And actually I don’t even know why I was watching that when I was a kid/teenager because looking back at it I don’t think it really was a show for kids but well, I liked it anyway but more than the show what I love what Chris and Rita, they were partners and best friends, they were so close and of course there was love behind that and the whole sexual tension thing going on. Anyway, towards the end they got together but the two actors playing them wanted to stop the show so they make things happen kinda fastly, Rita got pregnant (the actrice was in RL too) and they got married but then they made Chris died :’( It was so, so sad when they were finally together and so much in love *sigh*

- RnR break up : What can I say? It’s Ross and Rachel you all! Ross and Rachel breaking up!!!! Everyone online who knows me a bit must know how much I love these two, I do, I really do love them. So what do you expect me to do watching them breaking up when they were still so much in love and when they both cried so much too. Ross begging Rachel for another chance and Rachel almost giving in for a second when he tried to kiss her but then fighting her feelings cause it’s just too damn hard at the moment and so she cries, says it’s over, he doesn’t want to let go, he holds on to her, her arms, get down on his knees holds her by the waist/legs.. god so beautifully heartbreaking!!! And David and Jen were just awesome in that scene, no wonders they cried for real. Again, I did too.

- The last episode of Ally McBeal : I must say that I cried less in this one that the other scenes I’m mentioning here but I’m still putting it on the list because it still got me more than just teary-eyed.
So back then when it aired I loved the show but it wasn’t really one of my fave (it is now) and plus I didn’t enjoy the last season that much because a lot of the main cast was gone but when I wacth that last episode, most of the character were back in that episode and I got emotional because of two scenes, first it was when they all started to make their special dance on that Barry White song because it’s just a classic when you know this show and I don’t know seeing that doing it all together one last time made me have few tears and then the other scene was when Billy came back (yeah, in Ally’s imagination anyway lol) and that Ally says her goodbye to all them, it really was emotional to me.

- The last episode of Dawson’s Creek = First of all, even though there's some stuff I didn’t like to see happening in the show and that I didn't even watch the whole season 6, it was still one of my fave show back then and so the fact that it was ending I was already emotional with that idea. But the main reason why I cried watching it, and forgive me if I’m making a mistake saying this because I haven’t watch that last ep since forever so I’m only talking from what I remember lol, it’s because there was those moments when they put those "old" songs in the background, songs that came from the early seasons (1&2) and that were DJo related, and I remember that got me everytime they played one of those songs, it just made me nostalgic I guess so I couldn’t help it, and of course the tears were there also because of the whole Jen’s death thing, all those scenes with her were pretty sad so that was the other big reason why that last ep made cry :P

- Last episode of Beverly Hills 90210 : Not because it was sad but that show will always have a special place for me, I think it really is the first tv show I started to watch and follow like that, when I was still a kid, and there it was ending after 10 years (and it was actually a longer time for me since we’re always late with the season airing here), and I didn’t cry during the whole episode but in that last scene where that group of close friends were all dancing together and then the background music changed to a slow one as they all kinda hug =) that definitely got me.

- And finally of course, there’s this other tv show final who made me cry real bad and that I have been anticipating for a while before seeing it, I’m of course talking about Friends, The Last One :'( That shows was/is like my obsession lol So many things I love about it, so many joy, laugh it brought me, a show that helps you feel better whenever you need to. Back then I was really into it, I mean the show, the couples, the actors and their RL friendship, articles, interviews... but yeah mainly the show itself. Anyway, so when it ended I had to cry, there was no other way I knew it, for months, but it happened anyway, as silly as it sounds I even wrote about it back then like a week before it aired, after seeing the promo for the Last One, I just felt like writting down my thoughts about how I won't be able to handle it (cause I was already crying watching that promo). And so it was finally here, the six of them standing there in the now empty apartment we were so used to watch for 10 years, all of them teary- eyed and emotional and then they all leave their keys, all start to cry and I had already lost it by then. They went out, we got that last joke, they all left and we have a look at the empty apartment without our fave six Friends, end of an area indeed, and it kinda hurt, yes, it did, but that was a beautiful end to an amazing show. <3 Gotta mention too though that I started to cry even earlier in that last episode, at that moment when Rachel left Ross at the airport and he’s just standing there and Phoebe hugged him, of course tears has to come out at that very moment, but it’s the end that really killed me.

And here's just a couple of others moments that didn’t actually made me really cry but got me quiet teary-eyed (actually there must be a lot of those moments but I’m just mentioning the major ones, or the ones I actually remember right now XD lol)
- Buffy killing Angel at the end of season 2 (So heartbreaking!)
- Chandler and Monica learning they couldn’t have children together. (Well played and that’s not so often we got scenes that sad on this show, and there was that silence filling the room (or the set) at that moment which add even more sadness to the scene.)

tv shows, real life

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