Aug 22, 2005 20:20
Hello and welcome to TOM RATES THE SUPERHEROES Where I(Tom) Rate different superheroes on a scale of one to five one being the worst and five being the best. Lets get started withe big one.
Batman- 5
Spiderman- 4.5
Green Lantern- 5
Wolverine- 4
Punisher- 2
Daredevil- 3.5
Green Arrow- 4.5
Wonder Woman- 3.5
Aquaman- 1
Superman- 3
Flash- 2.5
Captain America- 4.5
Martian Manhunter- 3
Plasticman- 3.5
Captain Marvel- 4
Cyclops- 3
Elongated Man- 2.5
Nightcrawler- 3.5
The Question- 4.5
Phoenix- 4
The Atom- 4
Beast- 4.5
So..... um that's all I can think of. If anyone has a hero they want me to rate just comment. So anyway.
I went to the DMV today. I have a license test scheduled for September 27th. I am super pumped. But I must say that the DMV is THE DEVIL incarnate. I had to sit around for 15 minutes
while the computer was frozen, and the lady was just like, "Oh the kid appears to be sussumbing to ADHD. Maybe I'll make him sit around for another 5 minutes." Oh man, it was terrible.