Jul 09, 2005 22:49
Can I just say that I love summer camp. 9 years at the same place, and I'm still going strong. PLUS I get paid to go there, and I'm probably having more fun then most of the campers. Let's see what happened.....uh...... I beat Wyatt in a dance-off....... that makes it Tom-2 Wyatt-0. Alot of other cool shit happened, but it's kind of hard to write about all the cool shit that happens when so much good shit happens.
But besides camp...... uh I went to the fireworks........ and a parade.......and......uh started reading the Da Vinci Code....... bought a mosquito net........ I went kayaking.... damn..... I haven't really done anything all that exciting. I'm gonna end this now.
PS Would anyone like a job as a Counselor In Training at the summer camp where I'm working. If so get in touch with me.
PSS The address where I can be reached is....
Tom Anderson c/o Camp Waubanong
83 Waubanong Road
Brattleboro Vt. 05301