As I've already informed you, I'm a big fan of sitting around hitting resfresh on
LJ Images when I have nothing better to do, or should I say, precisely when I have something better to do. Here's a sampling of the many unusual pics I have found:
I promise, not too many edited pictures, but I'm reading
Angels & Demons by Dan Brown, author of the Da Vinci Code, so it made me laugh.
Handy reference.
Random map.
You don't say?
But I'm so tantalizingly close!
Better than Hungry Hungry Hippos? You be the judge.
No idea what it is, but so cool. I have a bigger version, if you're interested.
Finishing off with random puppy picture #1...
...and random puppy picture #2.
Join us again next time for...the Random Pictures Post. This has been Steve Melis, signing off.