
Mar 30, 2009 17:32

texture pack for you made of my photos.


The file have a PASSWORD so if you want to download it you must comment. Be sure your e-mail notification is turned because my reply will be screened.

I'm sorry but I think it's necessary because I see a lot of people just don't care and do not credit. It's my work, my photos and I've spent some time to create this. I usually do not do this but we'll see what happen.

so please, credit. Thank you!

I'm also taking REQUEST. Please, post as many pics as you want but ONLY OF THOSE FANDOMS:

skins, gossip girl, pushing daisies, veronica mars, the office us, lost, dexter.


Oh! And I'm so sad that Skins are over :( but yeah, waiting for next season!:)

goodies: textures, other: requests

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