I just spent a glorious while in the Cavern and other places in the Uru universe. It is amazing and awesome to have Myst Online back. There is something so instantly worthy about the experience. The imagery/graphics are really gorgeous, and the music is sometimes achingly lovely
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But, a couple tips for you:
The server's being hammered right now, and although they've made the patcher work better earlier today, you still may not get an auth response from the server, because it's 'full.' My advice is to kill the login window, and try again in a minute. You'll know when it's working, because your status bar *will* advance, and you will see it transitioning to the EULA/TOS and login credentials stuff.
However, here's the other tip: if you kill the patcher window process, be sure to check your task manager for multiple urulauncher.exe instances, and end those processes before attempting again, otherwise the patcher will never resolve.
Keep trying. I've gotten in twice. :) I am in the UruObsession Bevin, so let me know if you wish to join that one. I would be more than happy to get you invited and such.
Maybe in a couple of weeks I'll be able to try it. If I ever get in, I'd love to join you in Bevin.
Basically, you're hoping for a chance that someone in the game has crashed or logged out, and you're snagging their spot in the tally. :)
You'll get in! I got in last night and the lag was appreciably better.
...It really is just exactly like playing "URU: Ages of Myst," isn't it? I mean, I remember most of these puzzles. (Hey, maybe I'll actually finish the game this time!)
If you have no idea what Gahreesen is, have you been to a Bevin yet?
If you don't know from Bevin, have you had a chance to play with the Nexus?
It occurs to me that I could also head to the Nexus and see whether "Gahreesen" is in the menu, and if it is just go there... Anyway, I've got a KI, I just don't know how to find my KI#. I'm sure it's something extremely easy.
Hit F2 a coupla times to bring up its interface:
On page 8 of the pdf, you'll see the fullscreen display of the KI in a screenshot, and along the bottom, you'll see the ID number, near the name. That's the KI#! :)
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