With the decision made for the trial to go forward, arrangements are made. The stranger claims an unused section of the station, and with his bizarre "ship" he peels open the compartment like a tin can, somehow without letting any of the air escape at all. Ever-so-carefully a marble cube, seven feet on a side and covered in inexplicable heiroglyphics, is transplanted aside, and then the entire section is sealed up again. The holding cell for the prisoner, Soldier-at-Peace explains when prompted- quote impossible to escape.
Chairs and benches are carried in, and a crude jury box is fabricated and put in place, and the judge's bench is assembled. It's a fairly simple project for the engineering team-almost a little relaxing, if not for the ominous presence of that cube looming over the back of the makeshift courtroom. There are debates on the very model to use for the courtroom, though the ones building it hurry things along so that they don't end up caught in extra work.
It's only a few days before the time rolls around. Of course, on this station, nothing is ever not in flux, and so the decision of exactly who will be doing what is uncertain until the very last minute.
Today, however, the last-minute arguing is cut off...
(Since the setup is being handwaved, feel free to say that your character was going to be an attorney, on the jury, or whatever, if you want an excuse for them to be near the trouble-after all, it doesn't really matter now!)
(Related posts:
Mirys' post on the network;
Enitan's announcement to the station;
Talbot's message to Akakias)