Absurd science is the best science.

Mar 08, 2015 10:52

A Book That Made You Laugh - What If? by Randall Munroe.

Munroe's hilarious and compelling answers explain everything from the odds of meeting your one true soulmate to how many humans a rampaging T-Rex would need to eat a day.

This book was very silly and immense fun. Written and illustrated by the mind behind xkcd it's a fun blend of serious science, absurd thought experiments and ridiculous hypotheticals. The author does his best to answer both utterly ridiculous questions and genuinely intriguing random thoughts and flights of fancy, to the best of his ability (when he's not accusing the questioners of wanting to feed their friends to a T-Rex.)

But there's also a constant, and amusing tendency to go off on tangents and colour outside the lines - answering questions that would need to be answered as well as the original question, or questions that arise that he finds interesting. There's a section on what would happen to the earth if everyone jumped at the same time - but it goes into far more detail getting everyone to the same place for the grand jumping, and then explaining the difficulties of everyone needing to eat, go to the toilet and then fly home (spoiler, most of us would starve to death.) It feels like it was a lot of fun to write, it was definitely fun to read.

Though I'm still curious about that whole feeding T-Rexs to Sarlacc pits that never got answered.

books, i am amused, mission: books!, review: books

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