Well, since people think I fill my journal with crap, here's s'more for you.
So I get up, right? Take a shower, get dressed, all that jazz. then I go to SCHOOL. yeah, that's right. School.
First Hour was stupid. Frau Wimp is a stupid whore, but she likes me just because I'm an upperclassman, and I don't act retarded.
Second Hour I most likely failed a quiz, but before I did that, I turned in a 45 extra credit point assingment, so I'm sure it'll all even out.
Third Hour, we're watching Charly.. [
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0062794/ ] It's kinda sad. but cool 60's effects.
Fourth Hour, I eat and sit on my ass.
Fifth Hour, we learned about The Cold War and stupid shit like that.
Sixth Hour I basically had a study hall because tomorrow we go bowling in P.E.
and Seventh Hour I went to Art History and we had to interpret Norman Rockwell paintings in our own words.
and after school I sat around.. ate dinner, played Friday the 13th, went to Deals and Target for X-mas gifts, came home, watched The Biggest Loser, and now here I am.