
Feb 03, 2007 23:24

I probably shouldn't read LJ late at night when I cant physically rant at people. But here goes. (note: for the 2 people who read my jurnal and don't go to the u of R, christine is a good friend of mine here whoe changed when we got back from break)

I am so willing to rumble! I don't mean to hurt her, ever! Like I want to hurt my friends? and she dosn't ever tell me when I am hurting her or we just casually throwing insults at eachother. I am not a mind reader. If you don't like what I am doing, tell me to stop! I don't want to hurt you, and I want to figure out why I am the only one who does hurt you... but you don't want to talk ever, as if your invincible and not being totally different than first semester. It hurts me that you are pulling away for no reason that you have ever voice to me! Pleaze stop.

lmao, I just posted a angsty LJ. Oh well, sall cool.

PS I would never use lamo... ever. What you see there is an alusion! or is it an ilusion? I hate spelling!!!

PPS Christine I am sorry if I spelled your name wrong...
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