Sep 16, 2004 21:24's school..what do you expect?
-cool. i had to run an effing mile
-work.. the most frustrating day ever
-i looked too icky to be alive
-I thought Crumbs would be amazing..
-Crumbs was so very not amazing.. i got nothing accomplished except getting myself very upset... very upset
-not excited at all about hc anymore
-I still have a paper to write. fuck.
-of course i'm setting my creepy self up for disappointment again.. good idea hail- great idea.
-this is the worst it's been in a long time.. i hate how such small things bring about such strong feelings.. one of those weeks where everything makes you want to cry; and every time you smile you feel like you're lying.
-i got to see ryan krease :)
-i heard amazing music today
-i got to see my sarah sue
-Earl Grey Tea.. **
"Now we're saying aloud the things
we've declared in our silence.
That new coats of paint
will not reacquaint broken <3s
to broken homes."