May 26, 2004 12:52
Ok- so things have gotten way out of hand. it's becoming really stupid. tyler even knew about the whole situation- but he got it all wrong. i explained to him my take on things, and to everyone else i explained it to, they agreed, it is being over exhaggerated. i'm not trying to be garrulous at all and the few people i have talked to, i've only gone to them for advice and they all say the same thing- someone's being immature. even tyler asked if iwas going ot "hook-it up" NO I AM NOT!-i AM NOT SOME STUPID SLUT AND i WOULDNT DO ANYTING LIKE THAT.The fact is ever since i've been a child- my biggest bet peeve is people who try to control me or who i am friends with- i guess i am too muhc of an individualist- i'm really considering just giving up on girls as friends. me+girls=not a good mix.
The truth is- he and I are friends, really she has no control over that. the reality is- there is no threat because nothing is going to happen but a friendship. The went out for a week and a half over 6 months ago. I could understand if they went out for 6 months and broke up a week and a half ago but it's not like that.
I'm glad there are only 10 school days left. i'm sick of seeing people. at first i was kind of bummed that i'd be spending my summer away from everyone, now i'm kind of glad. this drama- i just want an escape. a solid 10 weeks with out it all will be a nice break. next year- i'm really considering just isolating myself away from school. at lunch i'll go home and not have to deal with it. it's rediculous. i can hang out with my non-school friends on the weekends and such. socialize with peoplei wont see everyday or get annoyed with. i'm sick of the same ol' routine: same people, same classrooms, same hallways. Man- summer- here i fucking come. lots of days in an office meeting new, mature people.
Fuck- Someone just take me away from goddamn high school already. i'm seriously done with it.