survey yay!

Apr 10, 2004 11:30

there is nothing to do at 11 30 am when no one is online....thank Jacque for

Current mood: bordly tired (is that a saying?)
Current music: Dr. Dre F. Eminem "Forgot about Dre" <--Thanks to kevin, can't get it out of my head!
Current taste: morning breath..
Current hair: pigtails..
Current clothes: freaking pajamas!
Current annoyance: my father
Current smell: morning breath
Current thing I ought to be doing: Sleeping.
Current windows open: aim, email, live journal, my space
Current desktop picture: "XhardcoreXkatieXandXlizX" from last night..
Current favorite band: THE CURE
Current book: Speak

Current cds in stereo: Dashboard "a mark...", Emo Ch. 1 & 2, Dane Cook, Mix from Uncle Mark

Current crush: Some blonde white boy..what?!?! no....there's no way i could possibly "fall" for that kid...What am i saying?! gosh damn tiredness..
Current favorite celeb: Robert Smith (oh i love you so much)
Current hate: Winners! (Katie, you know what i'm talking about)

=The last time=
Last book you read: Catcher in the Rye
Last movie you saw: in theaters- to be honest i dont remember...I think it was Love Actually....dvd wise..I saw the last 10 minutes of KBV1 last night at katies...

Last thing you had to drink: Diet Dr. Pepper!
Last time you showered: yesterday afternoon...
Last thing you ate: Mac N Cheese @ 1 am...Brian never showed!!!
Last person you talked to on the phone: my Katie!

=Do I=
Smoke?: Neg
Do drugs?: Neg
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: yeah
Play an instrument?: neg

Believe there is life on other planets?: life, like like humans..neg
Remember your first love?: yes
Still love him/her?: you can never get over your first's just a matter of turning that love into a like....or a friendship love....

Read the newspaper?: During Reading Period sometimes...usually "life" or "calandar"
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: hahahahahahah yeah....hahahhahahahahhaha
Believe in miracles?: yeah
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: sure
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: hmmmmm
Consider love a mistake?: yes...never fall in love unless it's FOR REAL
Like the taste of alcohol?: hahahah just not miller light! that shit is nasty...O3 is pretty damn sexy though..what...i'm not an i'm not...
Have a favorite candy?: I'm not a big candy person...but i like snickers every once in a while...when i feel like having an allergic reaction
Believe in astrology?:. ehhhh
Believe in magic?: ehhhh
Believe in god?: Yes

Have any pets: 1 dog, 2 bros, 1 nephew, 1 niece lol...
Do well in school? eh i do alright
Go to or plan to go to college: Yeah..I get a car if i go!
Wear hats?: hahaha last night i did at W-A-L-M-A-R-T (why i spell it like's a long story)
Have any piercings?: Yes
Have any tattoos?: Not yet
Hate yourself?: Neg
Have an obsession?: not so much
Have a secret crush?: didnt we already cover this?not a secret though..I'm almost pos. he knows
Do they know yet?: uhhhh.
Collect anything?: dvds

Have a best friend?: yesh Katie love!
Wish on stars?: just for never comes true
Like your handwriting?: eh sometimes
Care about looks?: depends on the day it is...if it ends in Y..then yes

=Love life=
Single or attached?: Single
Ever been in love?: Uhh answered this right??? yesh...
Do you believe in love at first sight?: I believe in a deeper look..
Do you believe in "the one?": Yesh
Describe your ideal significant other: Funny, Sarcastic (big turn on), Happy with himself, makes me smile, get along great, tall, lets me be who i am, we can be perfectly content with each other with out changing one thing...
=Juicy stuff=
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: hahaha maybe...
Have you ever been intoxicated?: HAHA Monday night?! what?!?!
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": neg
Are you a tease?: for sure
Shy to make the first move?: Yesh

=Are you a=
Wuss: according to Kevin Pal. I am.. haha
Druggy: Neg
Daydreamer: YUP
Freak: hahahahaha
Dork: Y-u-p
Bitch/Asshole: I am such a bitch it's great
Brat: yeah
Sarcastic: yes! mmmmm I love Sarcasm....mmmm
Goody-goody: only on the outside...hahaha
Angel: neg
Devil: neg
Shy: when i'm around people i dont know...
Talkative: when i'm around people i do know...
Adventurous: to an extent...depends on the adventure
Joker: yeaa
Flirty: heres the thing- i dont think i'm flirty at all...but others think that i i guess that's a yes?

=Word association=
Rubber gloves: inappropriate...
Rock: window
Green: room
Wet: inappropriate....
Cry: hurt
Peanut: charlie brown
Hay: frio
Cold: numb
Steamy: inapporpriate...
Fast: times at ridgemont high
Freaky: friday...
Rain: Slow Dance..
Bite: inappropriate....
Suck: inappropriate....
Blow: inappropriate....
Hard: inappropriate....
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