Yeah well...not a problem on this boat. That old 80-20 rule, misapplied.
Twenty percent of the people doin' eighty percent of the fighting, while the other eighty percent seem to be doin' the...well, the other thing. ::coughs::
So what's the word from home? How's Command takin' the, uh, 'news'...?
::still...enters Mess Hall, might be some kinda hair o' the dog that could cure this::
This ain't right...I'm lookin' for a complaint card for Chef...uuggghhh...
::grabs some tea and scrambled eggs this mornin'::
::comes face to face with Ensign Sato...with tea and toast::
Well...mebbe there's a silver linin' to this cloud after all...
*sees Foster the weasel standing there*
*raises an eyebrow*
Take a picture, honey. It'll last longer
Ha! Woman after my own heart...
And a sweet little how-do-you-do to you too...Ensign...
Misery loves company... ::grabs a seat:: I'm havin' what yer havin' so...dig in.
*shakes head*
*raises mug in toast*
Okay, Ensign, share. Who shat in your weeties?
Actually, it was my hot dogs last night... ::burps:: 'Scuse me, ma'am.
Just isn't sittin' right still.
::leans back, rubs stomach a bit::
But...that'll pass. ::drinks tea:: What's your issue? Shouldn't you be all bright n' perky?
Want perky, go fuck a cheerleader.
*looks around room*
My god, I thought when we came into the Expanse that it was going to be a rollercoaster ride. All I seem to do is sit around all day and be bored
Ha, bored? Try running my shift for a while...PIF's, anomalies, mirror universes...crazy-ass Vulcans, kidnappings...
::shakes head::
Will it never end. ::tears into toast::
Hang on, children?? Plural?
*glares at own toast*
Everyone's getting some except me
You, uh, really don't get out much, do ya?
Head of communications, and she don't know that?
Yeah the 'babies' were born. Two healthy squallin' little rugrats.
Can hardly wait for the order for child-proofin' to come down the pipe.
Bugger child-proofing. I'm worried about wet-nursing and babysitting!
*laughs sarcastically*
I can just hear the communique to HQ now: Sorry, sirs, we failed to destroy the Xindi Superweapon because a baby needed burping....
::laughs back...gah, someone un-der-STANDS...::
Ain't that the truth! Although, if we're ever boarded, I'm sure they'll just trip over the rubber duckies in the corridors--
::turns head a tick, glares at a couple of crew seeming to be inordinately interested in their conversation::
Ya mind...?
::back to Hoshi::
I was beginnin' to wonder if I was the only one on this ship more interested in saving Earth than in choosing china patterns, if ya know what I mean.
::winks, eats more toast::
Rubber duckies....*sniggers*
My great-grandfather was in the wars, you know. He used to say that everyone was either fighting or or death situations.
*drinks last of tea*
I used to think that was just his excuse for having had four wives. Now...
Just wish that i was getting some...
Twenty percent of the people doin' eighty percent of the fighting, while the other eighty percent seem to be doin' the...well, the other thing. ::coughs::
So what's the word from home? How's Command takin' the, uh, 'news'...?
What news? Static, static and more bloody static is all I hear, all day long. Giving me a headache. I swear, I'm even dreaming static.
So we've had very little going out to Command lately. And thank god for that!
*eyes Foster*
Anything you think they should know?
Too much. But if Forrest hasn't had kittens by now over the pregnancy...I may just be losing faith in the system I've sworn to uphold.
::tips head:: know, don't they? I mean...Captain Archer's sending the weeklies, I'd assume he's mentioned it already...?
*contemplates getting more tea*
That will depend if its in any of the reports that have made it through
Odds are against it, though. Command may be getting a surprise on our return....
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