Our GOL office likes to fly under the radar. Less attention in our hometown means less controversy, and fewer people looking for money. It's all great, and since I tend to dislike talking about myself anyway, I have no problem being vague about my work. "I work in ocean conservation" is a good enough reply for most people. And friends know I don't work on local SEAK issues.
But today, we had a measurable effect on the world and I really want to tell someone:
http://abcnews.go.com/video/playerIndex?id=6588428 http://jetapplicant.blogspot.com/ Smaller than we'd worked for, but that can be fixed with the next president. And I'm so proud of everyone I can barely contain myself - but my few compatriots are scattered between DC and Saipan, and it's just me holding down the fort here. Quietly stewing in my happiness and thinking I could get used to the feeling of definitive accomplishment. But I'll be leaving next month for grad school (oddly enough near one of our next proposed sites) and trading this feeling for the very transient satisfactions of research.
So I'll enjoy it for tonight, send out a hearty congratulations to our colleagues at the Marine Conservation Biology Institute and Environmental Defense Fund, and try to figure out just how it got done. I might have to give much of the credit to Laura Bush. =+) And if you ever find yourself in Japan, take the side trip to the Marianas - the scuba diving is incredible.
Tomorrow we get serious about the Coral Sea. Or maybe Thursday =+)