Jul 30, 2009 21:43
[Encrypted into Hebrew and password-protected]
I've only been awake for about 2 hours. Apparently I collapsed outside Mess Hall. The last thing I remember was talking with Hannity.
Speaking of Hannity, where is she? I hope she's okay.
I had a short message with that Harold guy. He's not so bad. Although he told me my boss is missing. I swear, Doctor McCoy had damn well be fine or I'm going to kick some ass.
Once I can stand, anyway.
My first visitor was Pavel. The doppleganger one. Who is no longer a doppleganger. He- she- has been turned into a woman.
Should I call him/her a he or a she? I mean, is he/she still a guy inside or did the replicator I broke make his/her personality female, too? I'll have to ask... Pavel. I'll just skip the pronouns. I wonder if it would make Pavel feel better if I told Pavel that Pavel makes a really hot woman. Seriously.
Not that Pavel wasn't hot before. But now... My god. One would think I were an old-fashioned one-gender-only lesbian if I wasn't constantly chasing George's tail. Can't really be blamed though. Pavel's gonna have to fight off even more people now that Pavel has tits.
whoa i just realized pavel is kinda hot,
i feel like shit right now,
ensign log