Oddities, obsessions, wierd habits, obsessive-compulsivities~ random tidbits, neuroses, etc.:

Feb 22, 2006 17:08

I thought I'd make a list of things just in case~ and for those whom wish to know me better:

01.) I have an obsession with time. Everything has to be done in increments of 30 minutes if I'm going somewhere. I really like clocks and watches. Also, everything has to be timed out perfectly, so that I am always on time.
02.) I think in a very logical, structured way. If I don't understand something, I'm not afraid to ask nor do I care to. However, my logic can be rewritten so that it fits my designs...
03.) If there's a mirror nearby, you can assume that you will not get my whole attention.
04.) Despite my vanity, I don't find myself as attractive as all of my random conceited comments. I'm very insecure about my looks. I used to be made fun of when I was younger.
05.) I hate to be ignored; it pssed me off if I feel neglected. I like attention.
06.) I don't make any facial expressions because I've been depressed since I was born, and I never developed most of the muscles to make most expression. I never smiled when I was younger. You can tell how I'm feeling by my eyes. Also, I don't want to have any wrinkles, so I avoid moving my eyebrows to create those forehead wrinkles. I'll sit there in front of a mirror practicing smiling or smirking sometimes.
07.) I hate trends, and trendy people. You can assume that if you ask me a question starting with Do you like... that the answer is no. I do actually like some clothes, but I just can't stand blue jeans!! I might wear some if I can find some that look good on me.
08.) I am a slight germaphobe~ I will wash my hands as much as possible if I think that the place I'm at is very dirty. I used to wear gloves all of the time or carry handkerchiefs so I didn't have to touch anyone or doorknobs.
09.) I will NOT touch an onion. I'm kind of scared of them. Also allergic.
10.) I'm claustrophobic. I'll freak out if I feel trapped in a small room, in a big crowd, etc.
11.) I'm Acrophobic (scared of heights). ...freaks me out!
12.) I've always had long nails since kindergarten. I hate cutting finger/toenails. I'd rather let them grow.
13.) I have a really dark/perverted sense of humour, but I think that's pretty obvious...
14.) I like to set people up for my witty jokes~ it humours me.
15.) I'm such an asshole sometimes, because I don't want to let anyone get close to me. People know what I tell them. Period. I don't feel like I am worth their time, so I don't open up.
16.) I used to be, and still slightly am, aphenphosmphobic. I still kind of don't like to be touched.
17.) I like fire. And the word 'burn.' I noticed that the songs I like the best have the word 'burn' in them.
18.) My favorite colour is white.
19.) I really like birds. I think they are elegant and beautiful.
20.) I'm a total perfectionist. Spelling, grammar, punctuation, diction; If I'm writing out a paper by hand, and I spell something wrong, or use bad grammar, I will sit there a re-write the whole thing, over and over again until I get it right!
21.) I can't swim. I'd much prefer not getting in a pool or something (lake, ocean, etc.) That means I have to do my hair again.
22.) I use british phonetics and diction most of the time with a slight accent that I try to cover,that I had learned when I was younger.
23.) I'm stingy; and greedy. I like money~
24.) I don't like my body; I try to cover as much of my body as I can with dress shirts. It's because of all of the scars I have.
25.) I can smell and taste blood. That's about it~
26.) I have my own personal speech, which is pretty obvious. I add -ified to the end of certain words.
27.) I take orders well, however, I don't like authority figures. I don't like anyone to have power unless I give it to them. "Power is given; control is taken."
28.) I don't remember what the hell my, "You suck times 28 point 5!" insult means!
29.) I have to sleep with a ceiling fan on.
30.) If I get nervous, I'll pull on my left ear/earing, or facial hair (if I have any.)
31.) By nature, I'm a very shy person. I tend to stick to myself, because I don't know what to say to people that I don't know.
32.) My eyes are weird; they don't dilate the way they are supposed to; everything is brighter than its supposed to be.
33.) I see everyone as perfect. You taint my image of you when I get to know you.
34.) I'm very business-minded. The gain must outweigh the cost.
35.) I hate to be stared at. It really bugs me!
36.) I get bored really fast. It takes seconds. I need to be constantly entertained.
37.) The lunar cycles affect my moods. A Full Moon or a New Moon change my moods. A full moon makes me defensive, bitchy, and extremely cranky. Like I'm on my 'period'. A New moon/eclipse makes me very down and depressed. This has been proven repeatedly by being so busy that I pay no attention to my calender and wondering why I'm bitchy/depressed just to find out I'm in one of those lunar cycles.
38.) I point, pick up things, hold a paper, open doors, etc. with two fingers.
39.) I like everything to be put parallel; pens, books, etc.
40.) I do my hair exactly the same way everyday, all day, all of the time. I want it to look exactly the same because of this weird High School thing a long time ago~
41.) I do my facial hair/eyebrows/sideburns by first drawing them in with eyeliner, so that I know exacly what hairs need to stay, and which ones. dont. However... I will do them imperfect or slightly off to see if anyone notices.
42.) I hate myself; I think I should be dead.
43.) I'm scared of bees/wasps.
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