Oct 02, 2005 21:33
things are scraping bottom again, now that homecoming is over, all my promises are kept, so maybe I can back there somehow
and i want to know who chad is
beacuse i'm being caught under again and it's not going to happen.
everything that went down before that i still worry about has to go out the window beacuse bigger things are happening, and i really wouldent mind spendign either the rest of my life, or at least a good part of it with her. i spent the whole day trying to find her and i think it's lame that i'm never going to tell her this time. i let substances get in the way of me seeing her, and she deserves better than that
i've heard that i slept with some one, and it's lame
i'm going to run away from that as fast as i can.
shes an awesome friend but angela dosnet work with me.
i'm out of this?