Un paio di test...

May 04, 2005 16:08

Ormai la voglia di postare sfiora il nulla assoluto (soprattutto dopo che ho riscritto la mia descrizione producendo un papiro completamente inaspettato: per oggi, come si dice, *ho dato*); aggiungiamo che la mia ispirazione sta toccando livelli storici e che fatico a mantenere contatti umani senza che mi si rizzino automaticamente gli aculei.
Quindi uso questo spazio solo per infilarci delle cose assolutamente inutili come è giusto che sia.

---------------------------------> Test sulla filosofia molto veritiero... ._.

You scored as Strong Egoism. Your life is very much guided by the concept of Egoism: You work primarily to promote your own interests.

“I swear by my life, and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.”

“I am not primarily an advocate of capitalism, but of egoism; and I am not primarily an advocate of egoism, but of reason. If one recognizes the supremacy of reason and applies it consistently, all the rest follows.”

--Ayn Rand

More info at Arocoun's Wikipedia User Page...

Strong Egoism
Justice (Fairness)
Divine Command
What philosophy do you follow? (v1.03)
created with QuizFarm.com

(Aggiunte del giorno dopo, dal lj del mio fobos...)

-----------------------------------> Quale sei sette vizi capitali? La risposta era quasi scontata...

You are Sloth!
Lazy huh ?? You're a bit slow in getting going -
and tend not to do anything unless it is
absolutely necessary. You'd rather sit around,
watch TV/Sleep then go out and about with
friends, or take part in a sporting event. On
the positive side, you tend to be quite smart,
as you spend a lot of time watching the News
(!!) or on the computer, Also by conserving
your energy, it's right there waiting for you
when it's vitally important to get going.
Consider possibly moving out of the room once in a
while - and perhaps once a week trade watching
TV for half an hour with a walk - and you'll be
back on track.
However, Congratulations on being the most
intelligent of the 7 deadly sins...

?? Which Of The Seven Deadly Sins Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

--------------------------------------> Questo risultato era invece inaspettato... ._.

You Are From Uranus

You shine with brilliant creativity, and you're more than a little eccentric.
You love everything unusual and shocking. You're one far-out chick or dude.
Anything unconventional excites you - and you have genius potential.
Just don't let your rebel side get the best of you, or else you'll alienate everyone.
Your original thinking and funky attitude is all you need to be you.

What Planet Are You From?
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