Dec 07, 2007 04:09
Free Writing
Alright I am deciding to do a little bit of free writing now. I haven’t the slightest idea what I am going to end up writing about so let me just let it roll right off my fingers.
Alright I can’t stand those girls who don’t have a single flaw on them and go around saying how ugly they are. This is annoying because it just seems like these girls want more attention then what they already have. When I see girls like this I will usually give them the cold shoulder and make them think I do not notice them. This is something these girls hate because they crave the attention to be looked at. I will never tell these girls that they are hot because that would just feed their already huge ego.
However the girls that are good looking and know it are just as annoying. These girls that walk around like their shit doesn’t stink. These girls are not much different then the girls who think they are ugly. It’s pretty much the same kind of girl except one tries to play the ugly card and the other plays the, I’m too hot for you card.
Then there are those girls who are ugly as anything and had their parents lie to them and tell them how beautiful they are. This goes for guys as well because their parents talked about how they are so handsome and beautiful. Here is a tip for you: In most cases, if a mother or father is telling their kids how beautiful they are, and then chances are they have a face only a mother or father could love.
As of late I am starting to wonder if people who I never really looked at as my friend could be my friend. I am one to always be very careful how I pick my friends and a lot of the times I don’t even realize that someone is my friend. However someone being your friend is not measured by how long you know someone, it’s not even measured by how many common interests that you have. A friend is someone who when times get tough for you or when they move somewhere where you actually got to work in order to keep a relationship with them, you stay their friend. You keep on talking to them even if it is just for a little bit of time a week or even a month. In this day and age people move to a new state and far away a lot more often. Your friends are the ones who will always stay in contact. Also if for some reason contact is lost beyond your control, when you meet up with them again you go right back to where you left off.
You know I was looking the other day at some of the top subscribers on you tube. A lot of what the best people talk about is the things I talk about. I could tell you right now that if I started doing my rants on youtube and doing them as a video then I would get a ton of subscriptions. Plus all the idiots I know who are too lazy to read what I write would watch my videos. But do I really want idiots watching me?
Do Ra Mi Fa So La Si Do… SI DO. I have no idea why I just did that, so just go with me here.
Now I have lately gone back to fucking with people in yahoo in chat room and here are a few things I have discovered:
~ Seems like any guy will show you the picture of his winky
~ What the hell is that squiggly line actually called? I forget sometimes and I know if I here it I’ll remember it. I think it begins with an A or something. Oh well that’s not really all that important. Anyways onto the list. Every guy now has a 9 inch penis, which has gone down from last time in which it was 10 and even 11 inches. I think guys realized that a dick that big will hurt a girl.
~ People seem to not like it when I ruin their fun and say something fucked up that won’t get them horny for a week
~ There are a real lot of perverts. But that’s nothing different.
~ Just a small town girl, living in a lonely world. She took the midnight train going anywhere. Just a city boy, born and raised in South Detroit. He took the midnight train going anywhere. I doubt they took it anywhere. I mean they must have had some idea of where they would end up. I mean what if they ended up in an area where they would get shot. No I will not say the area where all the black people are because that would be racist. Yes I know it’s true but I’m not going to say it.
Wow this has really turned into the most retarded thing I have ever written.
I think I better stop now while I still have some dignity left.
Now a woman, who kisses on the first time around, is usually a hussy. And I woman who kissed on the second date is anything but fussy. But a woman who wait on the 3rd time around, head in the cloud feet on the ground. She’s the one that he’s found, She’s his shipoopi. Shipoopi Shipooti. The girl who’s hard to get. Shipoopi shipoopi, but you win her yet. Walk around once just to raise the curtain, walk around twice that fancy cooking. Yah I forget the rest, but no that wasn’t anything I believe I just felt like doing it.
Hey look at that it’s 4am. Well not quite 4am… I mean damn what if I had to do something at like 3:57 exactly and I ask someone what time it is a he says 3:50 when it is actually 3:53… then I could be 3 minutes late. Then again maybe they should have asked for the exact time. Fuckin dumb cunts.
YOU DUMB FUCKIN CUNTS!!!!! FUCK YOU!!!! YOU’RE A FUCKIN ASSHOLE!!!! CUNT CUNT CUNT CUNT. Why is it saying I spelled cunt wrong. Is cunt in the dictionary? Hold on… YES
cunt [kuhnt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
-noun Slang: Vulgar.
1. the vulva or vagina.
2. Disparaging and Offensive.
a. a woman.
b. a contemptible person.
3. sexual intercourse with a woman.
See it is there. So why the fuck did it tell me the spelling was wrong? I don’t get this damn thing. Now let’s have a quick Vocabulary Lesson.
Bracketology: Part of Speech: n Definition: the practice of predicting the field of the NCAA basketball tournament; by extension, parsing things into discrete one-on-one matchups to determine a winner Etymology: 1998
Surly \SUR-lee\, adjective:
1. Ill-humored; churlish in manner or mood; sullen and gruff.
2. Menacing or threatening in appearance, as of weather conditions; ominous.
farrago \fuh-RAH-go; fuh-RAY-go\, noun:
A confused mixture; an assortment; a medley.
lachrymose \LAK-ruh-mohs\, adjective:
1. Generating or shedding tears; given to shedding tears; suffused with tears; tearful.
2. Causing or tending to cause tears.
Hobson's choice \HOB-suhnz-CHOIS\, noun:
A choice without an alternative; the thing offered or nothing.
miscreant \MIS-kree-uhnt\, adjective:
1. Disbelieving; heretical.
2. Depraved; behaving badly.
1. A disbeliever; a heretic.
2. A scoundrel; an evildoer; a villain.
Ok this has to be by far the most retarded I have even written. Yet for some reason I said that and I kept on writing. Anyways I’ll stop now. Ok that’s all. I love you Courtney. The rest of you can all drown in acid.