I'm going to try to update this thing again. I have to warn you guys, my life isn't hot hot stuff right now - I'm taking a semester off from community college (psych major) and spend most of my time on the computer, making icons or playing World of Warcraft.
I'm actually happy these days, which is good stuff. I stopped going to Avalon, my LARP - it was a great year, but in the end just wasn't a good fit. When I think back on it, I can only cringe at bad memories; I haven't yet come to the point where I can remember/smile at the good stuff.
OI is booming, & C. and I started a challenge community that I'm super proud of,
be_obsessive. It's got 123 members and has only been open for a few weeks! Go me and my crazy promoting skillz & everyone who helped by pimping us and spreading the word.
I just got into World of Warcraft again and I have a Worgen - a werewolf. WITH A TOP HAT. Hello, yes, my life is complete. I might never take the top hat off.
That's all for now. Here's to keeping this thing updated.
PS: I need a new layout. Note to self: get one.