Sep 28, 2009 21:20
So I still have trouble writing in this regularly, but figured I'd give whoever reads this an update in my life.
In more or less chronological order:
Good: I met a boy online, fell hard.
Bad: I broke up with him.
Bad: The breakup triggered several other bad things, such as my depression and anxiety getting worse.
Bad: Suffered a weird spurt of appetite, where I started eating over twice as much as usual.
Good: Didn't gain any weight.
Bad: Due to the depression, lost interest in MUSHing.
Good: Was asked to staff at a Buffy MUSH, which restored some of my interest.
Good: Found an author, Philippa Gregory, whose historical fiction I enjoy.
Good: Started playing Subeta with renewed interest, and have been enjoying it thoroughly.
Bad: Due to the bad stuff happening earlier in the list, my focus has been deteriorating. Therefore, I have gotten very little done and have trouble doing anything for long (as in more than 30 minutes) periods of time.
Good: I found a LARP group in my area.
Bad: I was too freaked out, at the time, to go to an event.
Good: A little while later, I made an account on their forums and started talking to people.
Good: I went to my first event yesterday, and made a friend.
Bad: My internet went down, nearly causing a panic attack.
Good: It's back up, and I have backups of my files.
Good: I've started iconing again.
Bad: My focus is still terrible, so I haven't been getting very much done.
Good: My doctor's appointment is Wednesday.
Bad: I still have a hard time getting through each day.